After Book oF Fred




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i have an “After Book of Fred”
to write.. so i guess i’LL
get stArted..

Oh.. by A way.. my therapist
says i should give Ted Talks..
as i continue to
help her
her other
so.. sure.. i”LL
continue the Fred talk.. hehe..
And yes.. she literally did say
that yesterday.. as even my
atTest too..
Sure.. writing close to
12 million words crosses
over to the spoken world too..
and sure.. i fully express emotion..
and that my friends equals
what politicians
in Words and non-verbal
Langauge as Charismatic
and Magnetic.. sure.. the
Body Electric too..
if i could
Dance with
Hillary i could give her some more2..
or get in a room with Trump and make
his head explode.. as sure.. i have
a certain.. intellectual
and spiritual
now too.. hehe..

And first2.. i’LL stARt wITh one
of the nicest compliments i’Ve
ever received from a fellow blogger
Hailing from roots in Ghana..
but i..
‘long ago’..
living on
a virtual
world named
the Wrong Planet
wHere a deficit of
reciprocal social communication
was the diSease there.. i made much
effort to conTacT.. but with little ever response
from others.. and in the sea and ocean of all i do
in life.. as friend.. a very beautiful woman on Facebook
recently said.. when she opens doors for everyone.. she
rarely even gets acknowledgment for that and sure i’LL say
her name.. Sybil.. i don’t know her at all really.. but i do know
at Seville Quarter she shared a video of me.. saying that ‘this
is for our friend who never changes for anyone’.. in other
words my spirit of free gave her inspiration..
and sure that is enough reciprocation
in social communication
to inspire me as
well to do
much more too..
what i learned on the
Wrong Planet online.. is truly
the same off that online planet too..
we are a nation(s) of people in first
world way.. who in real life.. flesh and
blood way become more distant from
that flesh and blood as the virtual
world becomes more real
than the one that
tastes.. smells..
touches.. and
feels and senses
so much more than
screens of sight and sound
only will ever bring.. so i make
it a practice of recording a Garden
of Band-Aid for those who support me
in this journey of giving.. i treasure friends
and record them here in the Book oF Fred
in journey of witnessing for God of Nature all
that is as that will start a new chapter on 9112016..
where this “After Book oF Fred”.. will then be published
on Word Press and Blogger Blogs on 9122016.. and sure
the 911 meme and theme rings volumes of emergency light
like that last photo of me coming out of Seville and Seeing an
ambulance as potential Omen of sorts.. as sure.. for metaphor
too.. ‘those witnesses for God for 42 months’.. did not live long
after that… and what is the most dangerous thing
we humans in our first world countries
do on a day to day basis..
driving.. hell.. yes.. driving
is the most dangerous
shit of all where
we navigate
3 ton bullets
just waiting to
hit a brick wall..
of potential death..
it is no responsibility to
be taken lightly and one
that deserves our full attention
and focus.. as Lord knows even
paying the closest attention as possible
in my life to driving.. there were two incidences
where a cat and a dog darted underneath my car
from the side of the road.. lower than a deer in the
forest.. and even one time.. where an actual Lynx..
a wild cat.. ran into my Camaro front end.. across
the highway.. at incredible speed of trying
to save his or her life from oncoming
on the highway
to life or death..
as it were and still is..
yeah.. Road Kill is pARt
and parcel of creature comforts
of human being.. including human..
of course.. and from now on.. i am going
to put my frigging ‘smart’ phone.. in my glove
compartment.. as on that other seat those
notifications light that thing up bright and it
is hard to break a habit of getting notified
per se.. and glance over to see
what’s going
online.. well..
when it’s night
and there is an open
road.. and no cars.. it can
seem rather safe.. if one temporarily
forgets the danger to wild life.. and even
someone walking lonely in the middle of the
night on the side of the road.. and on a beautiful
calm half moonlit night.. full.. that phone lit up with
a notification.. i looked down.. just for a split second
and my practice of martial arts and quick reaction.. could
have saved my life too.. as a tree had fallen across the road..
as they do when they are ready to do.. even days after a storm
of rain comes through.. or just tree old age and sickness as
it were and is now with those struggles of environment too..
so.. i dodged it just in time.. before hitting it blindly
and going wherever
i might have
in a panic then..
perhaps in to a power
pole dead.. or another destination
like that.. even someone’s home off the
road.. anyway.. lesson learned for me..
and just a reminder that shit does
happen.. and its
best to be
on all your
toes and fingers
and senses and feelings
too.. when shit does go down..
in the dark of life too.. so anyway..
back to more ‘After Book of Fred’
stuff.. i count my blessings in witness for
God of Nature way too.. as a Garden oF
Band-Aid of support for those who do
come in Loving ways on my
hi-way liGht of liFe now..
away from
the lower-way
of life that IS A dARk
poTenTial and reAliTy too..
so here are the nice words
by Rytha Ephua.. who hails
in roots from Ghana in Africa..

“No, I do not live in U.S. either do I hail from South Africa but yes, my root can be traced in Africa, Ghana to be precise……..where love bridges and love for all is cherished. All Africans love regards and are resilience in spirit. We take it all, whether bitter, sour or sweet.

And yes, we are a global citizen of the world of one Race of human beings. That is how I see it too, regardless.

And ooh, you my Friend always make me sob inside anytime you write. You always manage to touch my very core with your words. Trust me, they are profound and ring volumes.

And in case I never tell you this before, I want to use this opportunity to voice it out, I Love You More. You are priceless, though we’ve never met, I’m fond of you. A lot. Thank you for being concern, I appreciate.”

And sure.. words like this from a Stranger
who is a friend the same with no distance..
space or time.. makes all 3.3 million plus words
worth it here.. and the total close to 12 million words..
since Thanks Giving day.. 2010.. when i started the
writing endeavor to escape illness and pain..
that no drugs would touch..
including the worst pain
known to humankind..
Type Two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. from wake to
sleep for 66 months since 2008.. like
Dentist drill without novocaine.. except in
my case.. it was in my right eye and ear..
rendering my emotions lost for 66 months too..
and hearing and seeing effectively almost lost..
too.. that in that emptiness was the worse numb
nothing than all the pain in the world then.. could
be as me.. So.. “After Book oF Fred” GoeS oN..
and in the last of my discussion with
my Friend.. Rytha.. i ended
with these words
here.. below..
in response
to her final thank
you.. yesterday for
linking her poem to
my continuing
Ocean Whole
Poem here..
that sure can
be named ‘Song
oF mY SoUL’ or
the metaphor of
‘The Book oF Fred2’
and the after and continuing
‘The Book oF Fred’ now too..

And aS iN aLL paRts
Existence.. THeRe iS
LiGht and DaRk thaT
Serves to make uS
More Loving..
As A
Lioness iS..:)

And now i say..
one of my favorite movies..
i watched after recovering enough
to see TV.. was the Blu Ray Movie..
‘The Book of Eli’.. with Denzel
Washington.. a story of
Hope.. Faith.. Belief..
and beyond all Perseverance..
Strength.. Courage.. to get the
whole job done of Love in a Covenant
of Fearless Love with God to help the
rest of Humankind out.. like my story
of the little disabled boy who could not
speak.. and the watering of the sapling
tree that in full butterfly effect and affect
helped to save the human race from poTenTial
World War III.. destruction same.. as could be today..
As Caesar from the last Planet of the Apes movie says..
out in the village of Apes Wild.. “Apes Stronger Together’..
still rings true as naked and furry as it ever has before.. and
that reminds me.. before i talk more to “The Book oF Eli”.. with
perhaps an inspirational and meaningful video clip of that too..
i saw ‘this movie’.. when i was ill.. and lost without connection
to anyone.. as i could not feel human connection or
connection to God OF ALL of Nature either..
a truly lonely
and separate place…
anyway.. there was a city
and skyscraper buildings.. And
if you haven’t heard in one of the
most populous places.. in Tokyo.. Japan..
“Clean Up Crew Businesses” are booming
in cleaning up the remains of elders off of
apartment floors who have decayed beyond
easy recognition.. ’cause they lost all contact
with flesh and blood folks who cared enough
to check on them to see if they
were even still alive..
i remember that
story and always
return calls but in this other
movie.. the folks are younger
and separated.. and like what has
happened in Japan.. the Younger folks
have lost interest in even having sex with
each other.. and they have replaced the child
and even the dog.. with robot dogs.. as
companions as a lifeless
thing to have
as even
a friend..
as folks do that
with their cars and homes..
obviously as one can get attached
to material stuff.. and give up on the
human race altogether too.. well.. anyway
in ‘the movie’.. there was a strong and totally
sane professional man.. who just opens up the
blinds of his skyscraper apartment and started
‘making love to himself’ in the wide open as wide
as it can get in far away connection from other folks
in solitary apartments in lonely cities of skyscrapers
same as Tokyo and so many other places together..
sure.. even in rural
neighborhoods too..
where ya never even talk
to your neighbor.. unless a Hurricane
or other disaster comes through and knocks
off your electronic substitutes from the power
grid as it were and still can be today too..
where front porches and living
room couches once
again grow
a human touch..
so anyway.. there was
a women in visual distance
from the next skyscraper over
who started doing the same thing..
looking directly at his eyes.. and sure…
other parts too.. as he did with her..
and although they would
never meet
or talk
to each
other.. they shared
a human moment together
in pleasure way that naturally
rises the social bonding neurohormone
of oxytocin.. no matter if one is lone or with
someone else.. yes.. even just touching yourself
‘down there’ will increase the social bonding hormone..
so.. the next time you see an athlete ‘adjusting’ their self
perhaps deep deep down.. they are a little lonely
too.. just wanting to feel what the
Yogis name as some
genital healing..
that yes.. in biochemistry
has scientific credence.. in one
step.. two step.. five.. repeatable
scientific method measure of iSREAL..
now.. here’s the thing.. i am not lonely..
if you’ve seen my dance photos.. it’s obvious
that i connect in social oxytocin ways.. with not
even having to have sex with other folks.. and sure
sex addiction.. comes like other addictions both substance
and behavioral ones.. to feel the empty part of soul that can
sure.. be neurohormones of social bonding oxytocin.. if one
has the potential to feel that at all.. as some folks do not..
including some folks on the Autism Spectrum as science
shows.. too.. and then there is the trust neuro-chemical
of Serotonin and pleasure one that enhances
creativity in doing stuff new that
is Dopamine too..
and sure many other
influences like androgens
and estrogen associated
hormones.. and even potential
DMT for better connecting and feeling
all that is NATURE AKA God that some
folks speculate is produced in the Pineal
Gland as third eye as sorts in the head.. and
yes the head on top of shoulders.. haha.. but
sure.. don’t discount either the Penis or the Clitoris
as a substantial source of Genital Healing in many
ways that come..ha!.. yes literally and figuratively
too.. in whatever shape body ya have.. hehex2..
so.. okay.. no secrets here.. i am an empath..
and my nude art.. is a service
of sorts to lonely
hearts as such2..
as Love Service
in Lonely Skyscrapers
across the world.. there is
Science and Unconditional Fearless
Love to this.. and if you cannot see the
Fearless Love Value in all the flesh you see
in Art.. from Music Videos.. to theater.. to the
earliest nude and erotic art of human beings.. before
Written Language was even a thing.. on cave walls then.. perhaps
you should touch yourself and be reminded in band-aid way aGaiN..
that you are human and per science.. genital healing is a real deal now..
and sure that’s how ‘they’ have and still control masses of human beings
as sheep.. they take tHeiR humanity away.. and say don’t do pleasure.. the world sucks..
i say suck that
and suck this
if Ya
like of
course.. hehe..
and no i don’t mean
that literally of course… as
i am both monogamous.. and happily
married too.. when it comes to the flesh
of skin of doing that too.. so-called ‘sex workers’
who do it out of love.. and yes.. there are some totally
empathic folks who love strangers that much.. yes even
women too.. whether you wanna face fActs or not.. and there
are safer ways.. much safer ways to do that now.. than the brothel
per-se.. everything in moderation.. and repress.. and oppress no pARt
of Human Nature.. or go to the other place that is not Heaven now.. i hOld
no secrets.. ’cause i love fearlessly.. to hide the trUth in liGht iN DaRkness as above so below..
inside.. outside.. all around.. is to hide the Love of Human Being.. there is nothing hidden here..:)

So yeah.. as the beginning theme song says here.. i’ve got more notes to write to spread
around the world like a vortex of never ending winds.. of words and other stuff too.. Love..
And in “The Book of Eli”.. at the end of that movie.. i was happy to see them
shelf the bible in full sacred text.. with all the other sacred texts of human
kind in one big library.. like Google has a card
catalog for now..
as there is
DARk and
liGht in all sacred
text.. and all the colors
of grey and hues of bLack
and wHite that come as sHades
of all that is.. in all that text and
the unabridged version of online now too..
we have a new day and age.. where we have
the freedom to discern what is TrUth and liGht
for uS iN sampling all of that and creating our
own “Books of Eli” that are more than
an impressive
of the original creative
poem.. that Denzel.. known
as Eli in that movie created
on his death Bed.. knowing
in his last breath.. in FeeLinG
that his rest was due in duSt of God
all that is.. forgive me for the dArk i have
done.. and i did my best for liGht.. Thank
God all that
iS.. for my Life..
as Bottom Line..
i can do that now..
and that is the best
pARt oF aLL i do.. Peace
with God… with no shame.. no regret..
no doubts and literally no illusory fears..
Breathe easy into the last night’s breath
into God’s Arms.. and have faith and
hope that it is all worth iT..
to live
to LiVE NoW..:)

And yes.. i’LL do all
i can.. to share and give more..
including putting my FUCKING SMART

You see.. my friends.. what is written can be visualized after
the fact of wishes and dreams.. is more likely to materialize dONe..
words in
repeat of affirmation..
that one can visualize..
F ee L iN SpiRe noW.. for
more.. as wishes and dreAms
come to iSREAL Fruition.. iSREAL noW..:)

And sure.. as cognitive empathy goes..
not all folks have the ability to thiNk visually
either… as in all stuff diversity.. there is no
such thing
as cookie
cutter human
beings.. religions..
or even a FucKinG
Cookie Cutter God of chains
in abstract symbols of human
beings also known as Golden Calves and Words too..
and More than
all human creates
with hands of dArk and liGht..
as well as words of throat that SinG..
ah.. Dance
is liGht and TrUth..
the greAtest mesSAge.. i for
one continue to spread in
of Dance
around the world
in virtual way too..
beyond the floors of
metro public dance..
as Facebook Video
smArt pHone..
who continue
to assist me too.. like
the Facebook Algorithm
Video slide show assistant
does too.. hmm.. mostly without fail..:)

Hmm.. SMiLes.. my FriEnd..
Zee.. i guess.. i missed the
Word Press Notification.. on this
one.. and hmm..x2.. i see.. i am now..
the only male who came to the paRty..
but anyWay.. i fear no strong woman.. and
i fear no human who finds completion within
as sure that is wHere God lives wHole.. as once
one finds complete within.. all there is.. is to give
that Ocean
Love.. my friEnd..
And the sad trUth my FriENd
that some folks can only find
completion in a member of
the opposite sex.. is they
have not cultivated
both genders
now within
as divine feminine
love and grace.. and
divine masculine as
will and strength..
some women
think.. only
a man
can speak for
them.. and some
men feel.. only the
wife can take care of
the child with woman’s
work as well.. culture does
that.. human Nature as gifted
by God within.. is flexible enough
to do almost anything.. but as always
use or lose applies.. Nurture and Nature
balance or lose out in imbalance.. Kind now
and courAge.. my friEnd.. couRage and Kind..
as every Cinderella knows and feels as
And in the old story
of the Gnostic Jesus
in the Gospel of Thomas..
when confronted by his Apostles
on how Mary Magdalene could be
equal on a spiritual level to man.. Jesus
said we will make her man too.. and sure…
if they expected to Unconditionally Love in
Golden Rule way.. they would have to become
divine feminine as well.. sadly.. and now.. obviously
for the most part that change still hasn’t happened
with many Men.. Woman are in the lead for completion..
And truly..
this battle of the
sexes.. per Patriarchy
vs Matriarchy for A Balance
of potential Egalitarianism
is at the root cause
of much
conflict.. but
Sociologists.. suggest
Women’s freedoms will be
the rule of life in most every
North Latitude country by 2050..
Meanwhile.. it’s not too early for
balance and completion.. in all
of human potential.. un-repressed
un-oppressed.. set free.. noW aLL..:)


sMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Zee..
could be an ode to a single
Mother ‘here’.. who must be complete..
per my last comment in your last post
in divine male and female
to get the
whole job
of Nurture done..
that sure.. takes selfless
confidence and love to give
all of what love in nurturing way
can be to another one.. to be the
friend one would like to have in a time
of need.. is to also be the kind of friend
one would want to be to self.. as well
in personal time of need.. empathy
and compassion for one’s self
is the highway to Giving
all to others
as well..
as the core
becomes strong
as an atomic bomb..
poweRinG a Garden of Human Love..:)


WeLL.. my FriEnd.. so good..
to see your words today.. gigoid..
hopefully you are feeling much better
or better as it gets for now.. as now rides…
and that photo of
that Elephant balancing
itself on its Hind Legs is
proof in itself that Elephant
can leg press.. much more than
me.. hehe.. yeah.. the savory and
the sour.. i’ve come to make as
delightful mixed drink.. hehex2..
for me at least.. and you know
it’s kind of a miracle.. my fingers
still work after about 12 million
words in 6 years and
my feet
dance after
6K miles in
three years too..
but sure.. i credit
balance of the savory and
sour too.. as the light that wakes
eventually without pain as each day
goeS oN.. i view the darkness.. analyze
it.. but rarely ever does it find an entry way
to me.. seriously as i’m sure you feel.. there
is nothing better than fear free.. but as i’ve
probably mentioned before.. heights will
always bother me.. as i feel almost
practically gravity free.. so
it always
i could
float over the
side when drop-offs
come.. keeping the high
is doing away with negative
stress and fears that are sure
the same two birds with boulders
a millstone of parachute holding us
higher.. to build
those thousand sand
castles for those who fear
not reach.. to Ocean wHole..
bottom line.. the show must go on..:)


Hmm.. Facebook is always changing something..
and apparently it’s acting funny about
editing anything on a profile pic..
including embedding a profile pic
somewhere else.. but haha..
there’s always the comment
section.. and sure.. i’ve got my
own source of photo stream on
my blog to use there.. for proper
accreditation to whatever muse
i’m using for the moment to inspire
writings there.. from yesterday.. all
published and linkable to put into
comments section more.. anyway..
nice young dancing friend ‘here’..
smiling the way at Old
Seville Quarter
on Thursday
Night and speaking of
11:37 pm.. now September
9th of 2016.. as i write this
comment muse now.. the 10th
is soon to arrive.. in anniversary of
the 42 total blogging months from
the beginning of that endeavor to
Witness biggest time for the God of Nature
and on that 10th Day.. March 2013.. Mumford
and Sons released their You Tube video.. named
Whispers in the Dark.. that in interesting ways moves
along in Synchronicity ways.. of all the diverse hats
and journeys i have made along the way.. Since
March 10th 2013.. and sure.. all my life too..
as truly words i tap into.. bring back
more and more of all i can be
before and now.. too..
along with dance of
course.. photography..
and and all around wild one
and gentleman too.. who can
pull off that sophisticated air too..
on a drop of a hat..without even a suit
or tie.. as i have thrown down my clothes
and unashamedly tread on those cultural
clothes with all HeARt.. SpiRit and SoUL..
as the Good Cop Jesus out of the Gospel
of Thomas says do.. too.. vs 37 as such sTiLL..
i take the liGht paRts of all of philosophy and
mystical religion and run with it.. like a linebacker..
and sure.. God’s Cheerleader2.. moving wRite along
now.. with another play of Whisper’s in the dark2.. now..:)
And.. as i come to the next Facebook Profile Pic.. of Katrina
and Yellow Boy.. they are watching me carefully with smiling
faces as i download all my fun from Seville Quarter.. as yes..
i literally tale Katrina all of what i do.. and sure.. sometimes
she says i am exhausting.. and sure that’s even with
the readers digest condensed version of what i do..
if even
anyway.. like
i said before.. the show
must go on.. and perhaps
i’LL use another version of that
coming next.. at the midnight hour
of September 10th at 00:00 morn time in 6 minutes..:)


Ugh.. this Facebook Macro Verse Memory
from two years ago.. about 24 hours on the
Wrong Planet where typing 6 thousand words
a day or so.. was a common practice to escape
pain and now one to document joy.. thanks GoD..
and yes.. we are now
in the 10th day of September..
per this micro-micro verse comment
here of a micro verse.. of this current
Macro Verse titled.. “After Book oF Fred”..
as yes the 701st Macro Verse of Ocean
whole poem.. witness for God now for
42 months complete as blog way then..
stArting with the KATiE MiA Aghogday
Blogger Blog then.. as yes.. the
“After Book oF Fred” could also
be named as the Show must
Go On.. and i kNow and FeeL..
yes.. juSt the Freddie Mercury
Song for that going on2 noW..:)

24 Hours on the Wrong Planet

WeLL.. here.. a MacroVerse from two years ago.. for
an ode to a Passport.. and a smiling baby face avatar
placed on the Wrong Planet online
on Christmas Day of 2010..
who would finally
come back as me..
a Phoenix rising
from ashes.. then..
wiTH.. EmoTioNal
SpiRiT as SeNses
and SensuALiTy fully liT
uP.. on July 22nd of 2013..
and a 1999 Sports Utility Vehicle.. of
almost 16 years old Passport then.. as i kept
A 1994 Camaro for 14 years.. and a 1970
Maverick for 16 years.. first owned by
my mother.. when i paid her for it..
in 1976.. yes.. i take care of stuff..
and i don’t buy stuff very
much.. unless absolutely
necessary and moving to
2014 Civic.. was necessary
to help save the Earth from
Gas Guzzler Trucks and
Sports Utility Vehicles..
that still Guzzle Dinosaur Breath
in KA spiRit of what remains of them now..:)

all know is love in the darkness of life

The Highway to Dance here.. Macro-Verse from a year ago..
celebrating the benefits of expReSinG sPiRiT as EmoTions
SeNses.. and the Non-Verbal social reciprocal
communication of dance too..
Let it go..
Let it go.
Let it all go and
be free where the
Weekend is always the
beginning of celebrating this
greaTest GifT of LiFE as DanCinG
LiFe and SinGinG a SonG oF liFE FReED..:)

HIgH way to Dance

Quote from John Lennon..
and this Macro-Verse from
a year ago.. titled..

Jesus..John Lennon..Bruce Lee and BE the WATER not the chalice

“i believe in God,

but not as one thing,

not as an old man in the sky.

I believe that what people call God

is something in all of us.

I believe that what Jesus

and Mohammed

and Buddha

and all the rest said

was right.

It’s just that

the translations

have gone wrong.”

~John Lennon

Hmm.. apparently John didn’t do a whole lot of
research on the books.. or he could have
seen the “Jeffersonian” deficits..
however he did fulfill
one prophecy..
and that was
folks would come and
do greater works than Jesus..
and per direct impact during the life
of the Beatles.. as compared to
the patch of land in the
middle east in barren
way.. they did more..
with any common
sense per lifetimes
each.. however.. that
cost John his liFE.. as
folks take stuff too literally
to the point they will kill for literal thinking..
And sure i take all due Bard precautions..
as i am way too deep for folks without a fully
functional miNd and BoDy BaLance to even
hope to understand.. and pArt of what i do..
is for that precise reason.. i ain’t gonna say
it too simple in a Pop Song that everyone
hears.. as sure.. i’Ve been on the Wrong
Planet for a few years.. and done the hell
thing in real life too.. for 66 months..
yes.. i know the dark that
is out there..
and hmm..
i heard a new song
today that could compliment
who you might be standing next to..
too.. as far as psychopathic leaning individuals
and folks who are not thinking with reason.. in big time way..
i’LL dig it out of YouTube later.. thinking it’s Rihanna for now..
and yes.. Gaga has a new one.. and so does the Republic too..
and play
of God.. goeS oN..
oh yeah.. and per Bruce
Lee.. being the water is divine..
and being the air.. is ultra divine2..:)

Jesus..John Lennon..Bruce Lee and BE the WATER not the chalice

Ugh.. yeah.. computer
screens of all sizes..
shapes and colors
scream screens..
and this Macro-Verse Memory
from a year ago.. is the very short
version of what will be coming of more..
in Facebook Algorithm.. saving grace for
the Dinosaur Grave yard of Macro-Verse Fresh..
and Jesus F. iN Christ.. night night.. gotta go beddy
bye.. as tomorrow is gonna be.. i mean.. today now.. the
10th is gonna be a very long celebration of 42 months
of Witnessing for the God of Nature in blog way.. in
fAct there will be a party on the beach towards
Emerald Coast Panhandle way.. in a
restaurant there.. yes.. of course
named as something
different than a specific
celebration for me.. in
Uncle’s Birthday way..
but sure.. i can imagine..
and dream and create almost
anything iSREaL.. so sure.. it’LL
be a total family blast off for fun..
and then comes 911.. as the “After
Book oF Fred” Show.. goeS oN aGain..;)

Screams Screen



Ha! Lion King Memory of three years ago.. to date
on September 10th.. on what was 6 months
for blog witnessing for God from first
endeavor of posting my perspective
on life whole on that first
post.. on March 10.. 2013
that is also
the about section
of my Word Press
Ocean Whole Version Poem..
and sure.. it is the cat who is the Lion
King Wild and Free even with a mane
around his chin that is not so clear to
see in this Burger King photo from
three years ago.. additionally..
if one looks closer one could
see a Lion Face in the artificial
Lights behind the building and
sure.. even a Homunculus
in the bottom part
of the Burger
King Window
if one’s Brain searches
for those images from the
database within.. highly
affected by human emotions
of memories.. of course.. from
Disney shows to scary shows and
even beyond in Genetic Memories too..
and it is kinda interesting to keep a running
autobiographical journal of your life that includes
real life images from day to day.. as in this photo
from the records then.. i weigh 20 Lbs less than
i do today.. 210 Lbs then in the shirt and shorts
clothing here.. and sure.. the proven value
of dance.. a greater density of muscle
from head to toe.. balanced out
as Nature does with a cat
who moves freely for
foraging all around
the environment
with no sidewalks
of limits.. can’t say i’ve
ever met another Yellow
Cat with a busy tale.. and mane
on chin like this.. before or after this..
perhaps a harbinger.. and omen of what
would be to come.. and sure.. to see all of
what the mind’s eye sees in positive light..
is to be on a path to light.. as sure..
i could have seen the devil in those
lights if i wasn’t looking for
a Lion King instead..
and that’s the way
liGht and dArk
works.. sTiLL noW..
if our preconceived
notions are never challenged
and changed in the present.. one
may see dArk their entire life.. even in
making relative free will choices.. and changing
life to an outlook of liGht and Fearless Love.. one
may see the human flesh as evil.. and even all
of Nature same as God as well.. or one can
make life a much liGhter place with
with relative free will.. in moving..
connecting and creating..
a Lion King of Freedom
with no worries over
green bLack dollar bills
and Facebook Likes.. Shares..
Followers.. etc.. or ad sense pennies..
or E-Book dollars will be what i shed of
the clothes of this earth that are manmade..
including lies of religions.. same for illusory
fears and promises that death and what
is after is better than what is gifted as
potential Heaven now by God
oF aLL Nature.. much suffering
in the world.. comes by following
human made rules blindly..
and when the facts are
presented.. cognitive
painful dissonance..
of having one’s core
foundation of spoon fed paradigms
of belief can be shaken.. but truly.. the
trUth and liGht of God within.. in innate..
instinct and intuition can set yA free..
but only if one wills.. with relative
free will with God of Nature..
no less than a Lion King
or Lioness Queen
set free.. as it
and still is now..
so sure.. AN omen then
was.. IS.. this photo would be a muse
for more good news.. three years down
the road.. as 42 months of Witness for the
God of Nature comes to close for sure a
human being who is only a furry beast of
God.. who has found his wings in free..
free Nature
of God.. no
less or more than
the Lion King Cat
who roams for survival..
and the potential friendly Love
Pet as life moveS oN alWays noW..
so sure.. i embark after this in journey.. literally
then poetically responding to tens of thousands
of poet’s poems around the world for the next
three years from this.. some i documented and
many i did not from the get go.. and the thing is..
learning to like it all.. and eventually love it all..
in all the points of view i found in others
poetry from dArk to liGht.. changed
my entire world view.. from seeing
about evenly dArk and liGht.. to
mostly liGht now.. even when
the dARk.. is obviously
present.. to change
one’s world
view to liGht
most definitely takes
a continuous and intentional
positive liGht of Art as practice now..
as sure.. i am only hUman and could drift
back to the literal bi-polar place of dArk.. once
aGaIn.. if i did not continue to make those liGht
neural star-like BriGht connections in my brain..
and those peptide memories.. in every cell
of moving for positive neuro-chemicals..
in all the dance moves i make with
uplifting electronic MUSic from
wake to sleep.. i bring A way
to heaven now.. that is not only
a word witness for the higher power of
God within.. but shows the empirical results
in creative output and greater health in form
from head to toe.. as the whole FucKinG
Monty Truth of God within.. as expressed
as form of sPiRit as Vitality in Flesh full blown
as WeLL.. there have many folks who have spoken
to the potential.. but few who have come down from
the mountain.. the desert.. the cave.. and now the
Beach as an auto-biography rover.. to show what
is going down for iSREAL.. as my friEnd.. whose
name sounds like Florida on music videos does
also relate.. with just another Gemini Sage..
have a nice day.. as my celebration as
feast day continues.. as i make it that way..
and sure you can make everyday a banquet
and a feast and the weekend too.. with the higher
potential this of you too.. of God who lives within..
i am the truth.. the light and the way.. but that is
only the i am who lives within me.. and if you haven’t
figured out that is what the metaphor of what Jesus
really means.. perhaps.. it’s time to do some homework
and find the home of God who speaks within.. God
is Nature but yes.. God iSrEAL magic within.. when
sought.. found.. and practiced as REAL LIFE NOW..
SADLY.. many folks look somewhere else in imaginary
heavens beyond within.. and even worship
death more than this gift of LiFe..
why.. because
HE said
so… FucK thAt
shiT.. i wasn’t born yesterday
God lives within ME.. noW.. meOW..
And you know and feel what.. i don’t have
to promote these ideas.. or worry about making
money off my art.. as these truths and lights live within
most human beings.. readily accessible if they can just escape
the lies of culture and religion.. and the greatest thing now.. with
online and the gradual elimination of censorship of free flow information
globally.. all these ideas and truths and lights that work for me are available
for greater enlightenment and ways of awakening of the real Greek original..
definition of Apocalypse that means lifting the veil of Ignorance.. i am just another
one of many of God’s Court Reporters.. who discerns the truth and light for the i AM
who lives within.. sure.. i’ve got more words than most folks have.. more photos.. more
fun and i am Killing every second of time.. with an eternity of Heaven now.. but i am
neither the first or last to bring these truths and lights.. i am simply i am.. i dance and sing on..
and pass
the dArk with
flying colors oF liGht..:)

Renaissance Selfie Disrobing here as Macro-verse
Memory from two years ago.. sure.. still going strong
on this and as the photo journal continues to show
with empirical improvements as my dance
continues to evolve using
more and more of my
body parts.. with
greater relative free
will of mastery over each
fiber of muscle.. in continual
floW iN Zone.. in an ecstatic
fliGht of Dance on Terrestrial land..
and nah.. you will not see many 56 year
old men.. who weigh in at around 230 LBS..
at around 6 feet tall.. move and exhibit form
of flesh and blood like this.. many are lounging
with only mirror neurons engaged.. watching
other athletes play on screens.. whenever
i got to the mall.. one of my first stops
is among my peers.. some in their
early twenties.. lounging on
the benches watching
vicarious tribal
sports.. i find a place
to put my foot up to adjust
my shoe strings.. for what will
become literally hours of mall dance
in stores.. that welcome the art of my
free flow dance presence.. like Dick’s Sporting
Good’s.. my favorite place to do a free style
exhibition of public dance.. the Earth
Store.. Spencer Gifts.. Best Buy..
as sure.. Dick’s and Best Buy
have open dance floors for
me.. and the Earth
Store.. and Spencer Gifts
are small stores packed with
stuff.. a challenge for soft small
controlled moves and the same
with mastery over covering longer
distances of dance.. and Seville Quarter
has gotten so popular that there is rarely
room to express my human potential to dance
there like i used to do.. before they eliminated
smoking there.. and the participation on Thursday
nights is literally going through the roof.. oh yeah..
and that reminds me.. a cross dresser dude.. who
is there every Thursday too.. at age 52.. who actually
lives in backwards Milton like i do too.. told me he saw
me and my wife at Food Outlet.. and when i told him
my wife was 46.. he said.. oh God no.. she looks like
she is in her twenties.. and thought i was about
35.. and i told him.. sure.. Dance and Positive
energy is the liGht Fountain of youth.. as sure..
stress kills.. it literally shortens
the telomeres of your
Chromosomes.. and
if you don’t think they can
be regenerated.. perhaps you
have not seen the before and after
pictures of me in hell vs.. heaven..
and perhaps i’ll share them again..
like i did on my June 6th of 2016
56th Grand Cross 56 Macro
Verse this Summer
on this VERSE
too.. in case
folks are thinking
this is all talk and not
iSReAL trUth and liGht..
now.. you see.. when you get
all stressed out with negative fear
stress about anything in life.. you are
just not only killing your health but aging
yourself as you go.. it’s just not that worry does
no good.. it literally ages you and kills you toward a
premature death from heaven as you go.. i do selfies
much more than vain reasons.. i take photos to prove
that both God and the Higher power of God existS in
me as nows go on.. Jack LaLanne towing
boats across bays in his 60’s when
his peers were smoking cigars
and drinking beers.. couch
potato living their lives
away in office chairs too..
already proved this theory
of the fountain of relative youth
is real and obtainable across the
living life spans of human beings..
he simply moved all his life.. and
kept his muscles strong.. no less than
our Arthur Noble Golden Eyed Brown
Tabby who jumped with ease to the
counter for food.. almost until age 20..
when poor Moby.. who was raised as a domesticated
couch potato with all you can treats.. couldn’t lift himself
up with complications from type two cat diabetes at the
tender age of under 10.. nah.. couldn’t even lift himself
up to take a shit on the FucKinG Floor.. it was a habit
that his first owners gave to him.. when he was young..
before.. and it is well worth noting that it is a habit that
our culture as whole is giving to children now who are
at 33 percent assessed in clinical studies as
having pre-type two diabetes as metabolic
syndrome in FuckInG grade school..
use or lose.. Bottom Guide line..
all the dreams of heaven
after life ain’t gonna
change the hell
of not using
life on Earth..
and hell no.. neither
of my parents were thin..
both were overweight most of their
life.. and i would be too.. if i didn’t do
life like an Olympic athlete as ease.. in other
words.. i move freely.. not injuring myself in one
way of walk and no way of pounding my joints on
the road of run.. and at age 56.. i can provide the
empirical evidence as form.. head to toe.. that although
i don’t tow boats across the bay at age 60.. i do dance
230 LBS now.. close to 6 thousand miles in three years
as balance on terrestrial land.. books that don’t believe
that live is now.. can sure.. make heaven as hell on earth
now.. and they do.. and they do.. and they do.. in up to
crucifying life over dead lies of prophets of evil.. as
interpreted loosely as one can do when language..
is not crystal clear and concrete as it rarely is..
amazing that folks would look to words..
that are always somewhat vague
as proof for God.. that’s why
i take photos.. hips and
eYes and Flowers do not lie..
for at least those with an i am
discerning eye for TruTh and liGht..
one or the other.. riGht or lEfT WiLL do fine..
oh and that drag queen dude.. he is the only
one who has ever spoke to the Unconditional Love
of God as the highest power gifted in human as
any human.. spoken to.. at that dance club with
me yet.. so as Joni Mitchell says.. i will continue
to see God in the Church of Dance over
church of many truths in light..
but quiet a few that are
anything but quiet in loud
oF lies in dARk for
only dollars bills
and stuff of
tax free
And yeah.. the
Passion FlowerS as
presented in this Macro-
Verse Memory from two years
ago.. are in bloom full at my home now2..
in my Garden of Eden @Heavenow iSREaL2..:)

Grand Cross 56

Renaissance Selfie Disrobing

And yes ..finAlly Screens Scream Again.. as my continued
patronizing of the dVerse Poet’s Pub to do stuff
tHeir short ways.. expands to the next
Macro-Verse as my human potential
does too.. and this hinderance
to creativity will end soon
after this.. as i will
be deleted from
using the site.. after
i challenge the censorship of
mY creative poetic metaphors of
meaning for a theme of change from
escaping the lies of culture to a desert
Isle of TrUth and liGht away from those lies
as phoenix rising from the ashes change will do..
anyway.. they said it had to be about literal change
and not metaphorical change.. like it wasn’t real in poetic
words of real life experience and change i was speaking too..
anyway.. it went way over their head.. and they went as far
as suggesting they couldn’t figure out where my draft of comments
section and the my limited poem then started.. to appease them short as
of September 15th of 2015 last year then.. and sure.. the greatest
thing about witnessing for God in real time online.. is all there
is evidence of what happened in words.. it was really sad
that i had poetically took the time and effort to respond
to every single prompt and link in that online
club of poets.. and i was treated like
this when their main bitch
as far as administration
goes is they don’t get enough
likes and comments from visits
of other folks on their poems.. i FucKinG
liked them all.. i literally made it a practice to
like them and get inspired even if i had to read A
FucKinG poem 15 times to get inspired.. and i accomplished
that with Will over Unconditional and Fearless Love.. but i did
too much Fearless Love and they attempted to put their Dog collars
of limits and Domesticated Cats with all you can eat easy on me..
FucK no.. that Desert Isle Metaphor was just a prophecy of what
was to come.. just like the Wrong Planet where they banned
me for doing too much there.. too creatively.. i just used
that as inspiration to make even more FucKinG liGht
on my Desert Isle Ocean Whole Poem.. and
no.. did not let it stop me from commenting
then.. another 6 months on every FucKinG Prompt
and link.. and only a handful ever took the time
to visit me and even say hello.. as it was too hard
for them to do that.. if it wasn’t so easy to find me
among the other links.. anyway.. the thing about modern
cultures is.. it takes away our humanity and i have also empirically
measured that as witness for God too.. as you might see i was once weak
A WiNk ‘link as canary in the coal mine.. too.. but now i am the canary who
swallowed the Lion against Fear
came out
on the other
end of courAge
as the phoenix
rises from the ashes same..
and the cool thing is.. it reAlly aLL went down
down for real and i can FucKinG prove iT aLL
line by line.. word by word.. 12 million words
close to all.. and around 100K photos or so too..
with video accomplices to go along with all that TrUth and liGht..
so sure.. here is a link to the proof of that too.. in “Desert i’LL
Change” from 9152015.. and the link says 30347
as i was aways running in a hurry to meet their
demands to participate then..
i go my own way..
iT has alWays worked
out better when i don’t
try to fit myself into the
boxes of rules of smaller UniVerses
than what i see @least of all that is GoD iSREaL NOW..
iN my UniVerse at lEAst and most of i Am that is mE noW..:)

Desert i’LL Change

Yeah.. all good court reporters wRite all the evidence down.. as SonG..
but sTill.. suRe.. i enjoy being God’s Cheerleader WitH DancE.. even more..
as the photo documentation of ALL THAT IS continues to empiricAlly sHow..:)

Screen Screams Again


SMiLes.. my FriEnd thefeathered Candy
Sleep.. i thiNk a lot.. but i FeeL and seNse
more.. and no matter how the child comes..
the lust is worth the life..
and sure.. my wife
is proof of that
as she
was born
upon the Navy
as it sails from seas
of exotic countries that
mix with American Indians
and Irish.. and Pacific Islanders
of other lands there.. and surely
a blessing it was to know nothing of
sex until age 16.. as the lust was widely
dispersed.. and had no one destination to go..
and along that way.. i learned to love with eYes and
heARt.. a shine.. that would dim but come bacK iSreal
stronger than
ever before..
and now i finAlly
can make words thaT
reflect those eYes of liGht..
innocent with no lure for owner
ship of eYes or HeARt as more than
tHaT moistT place for sweLLs of urGent..
anyWay.. i truly feel sorry for those
folks who have never fELt the
Love that never ends of
heArt oF SpiRit
that FeeLs
and moves
with never leSs
BaLanCinG miNd
And.. BoDy soUL..
thaN giving.. more..
a Lamp of Love that
gives that gives more
as turn me on means
light you up more and more iSREAL..
in a day in the life of meaLL and more to come..:)


In all the dArk that comes..
iN all the liGht that goes..
dArk and liGht
live in both..
i suppose i am a little
liGht heavy in this verse.. so
i must pay some respect to the
dARk that can be ark to take
one to greater liGhts as they
understand better the dArk in otHeRs
all so trUe and false too.. hmm.. i’ve
been to A dArkest place of all wHere one
sees a beloved and most beloved relative choking
on a piece of bread and when the heARt.. the sPiRit..
is so dead.. there is no miNd and BoDy BaLanCe leFt aT
all as soUL.. and any pain in messed up broken down stressed
killed brain.. feels like pleasure.. as that is all that is
left is pain.. hmm.. watch it.. the dArk is
not a place ya wanna play..
a place wHere Serial
killer lust for pain..
and misery
of their
human beings
who are only a tool
and aid to help get them
by.. just one more moment of
hell of empty.. where cannibals
eat other humans just to feel and
fill anything of the emptiness of the
souL.. wHere food becomes love
and love is literally food
in human
and blood..
hmm.. i can smell
the psychopath from
so.. so far away.. as i can
sense and feel the soul that
no longer feels a heARt of anything
more than bLack.. than bLack and cOld..
Well.. it’s not easy stARting out as an Angel
as sure as my first Baby Avatar of Aghogday
does portray.. the one.. put uP on December 25th
Christmas day in hopes the liGht would come back
one day back then in 2010.. when the empty shells
of words without a feel of life for me started to come
in journey back from hell then.. and along the way..
spArks of the dArk.. once i rose back to humanity
as flower.. did appear here and there.. as
sudden rage over what
would not have
ever bothered
me before..
like someone
shooting me a bird..
me looking at them
with those devil eyes
of before.. them challenging
me with a head butt in a bar..
and me suddenly choking them
into submission before i said
the joker is just joking with
you.. years ago now this
happened.. and that
darK sparK
been extinguished
complete.. but until a
another dude who was a homophobe
then tried to bootie dance with me..
and i pushed him ‘lightly’ all the
way across the floor on HIS butt then..
per se.. not even realizing the strength
that would come from that moment then.. yes..
i am careful now to restrain.. i focus on Love
all the time.. that is always now of heaven now..
yet.. i aM human and i understand the dArk side all
too well thaT day i first could not feel anything of emotions
and i screamed to the ceiling like that portrait of Scream..
like a demon on Fire asking help from God that i could NOT..
no.. longer sense or feel at all either.. in a drain of sink
that never ends in bottom of darkness with not a Lazarus
drop to drink.. the thing is.. there are places
there are places.. there are places
that exist that you never ever
wanna go.. and never
ever dismiss
that can come
in real Evil from
a human soul
that has gone
away to the
Styx of
point so
dim that even
black hole suns
cannot enter dArk..
as dark as the human
heARt.. SpiRit and soUL
can die as liFe as dArk.. the
thing is.. i didn’t wanna go to hell..
and quite honestly i didn’t do anything
more than never saying no when the demands
of others as people pleaser me only said yes.. yes..
drive the stake in my heart more.. yes yes.. make
me a Vampire so cold in 3 am street lights like
liGht is dArk and deaTh the same as sunlight
hell of once liGht as only pleasure more..
where all is polar opposite of what
came before.. all is bLack
and bLack
is whitE.. iT
iS no wonder that
sacred texts speak of
devil’s and hell’s and angel’s
and heaven’s too.. weLL.. Here’s
the thing.. i’Ve done ’em all and that
makes me somewhat of an iSREAL specIal
Witness for God now.. when it’s iSREAL2..
the good news is.. there are iSREAL more ways
to stay out of heathen hell.. now too.. all i can do
is show
way through..
if you ever get
tHeir you’ll have to
likely find your own way
out.. preventative medicine
of SonG and DancE is the best
way for me with laughs and smiles.. hehe..
anyway.. the song i was looking for was not
and is not by Rihanna it was/is by 21 Pilots instead.. calling
out to me.. calling out to the devil and hell that was once me2..:)

So.. anyWay.. short story at the end of the longer
one.. at the bar on Thursday night..
as a Participant Observer
Anthropologist for God
of course.. i am in the
stall taking a
piss and installing
my ear plugs and putting
the plastic back.. they are
in.. back in my pocket and i over
hear two dudes at the other place
of latrine way talking about domination
of woman as they always do.. just for the
place between their legs.. and they start
talking about size and motion of the ocean
and stuff limited to that place of the
human pArt of life now..
so i come out and say
if you really wanna
make women
and ha.. it ain’t
like the old days of
timid Fred at 180 Lbs
at 2001 in the disco 80’s days
then.. wHere no.. i rarely said
anything to anyone then.. 230 Lbs
now.. dark shades and a body that moves
like a Black Panther/Batman.. late at night..
yeah.. they didn’t say anything.. not
a thing.. and when i was talking about
coming.. i was talking about coming
back to talk to you again..
as surely if any
of the women
out there
knew how
these dudes
truly felt about
them.. in there.. surely they
wouldn’t say much back again.. yes..
and truth be told they don’t as these
dudes just drink the night away mostly and
never even get a smile from the opposite sex..
women have feelers for this.. don’t you know..
F E E L..
best of
both worlds
liGht and dARk..

Sure.. i could switch back to devil and
hell in heart beat if need be.. only
difference now would be.. i would be
a strong
than a weak
one then.. when i was so sick..
i’ll keep the Angel for Good
MeaSure of liGht now for sure..
and keep the devil
and hell
iN my
juST iN cAse..
and if people could
really see and feel where
i’Ve been.. let’s juST.. say.. they
would alWays step away.. in fear.. to
beyond fear.. where even demons never tRead..:)


Celebrating my Uncle Bob’s Birthday..
with his two sons.. on the left..
Bobby and David.. and
My Uncle Ted.. who
is the Identical surviving
Twin Brother of my Father..
his son.. Teddy.. here next to me..
and of course i am the crazy/
eccentric/other cousin.. hehe..
And yes.. celebrating my
42 months of meaning
of LiFe.. 3.3 million plus
word longest
long form
poem ever
too.. and now moving
to the day after that on the
911 day.. with a publish of
‘After Book oF Fred’.. on
912.. 2016.. with much
more to come.. but i’M
kinda really sleepy now..
so nite nite now arrives..:)


Rise.. i haven’t used that song yet in this
Macro-Verse.. as i have in almost every one..
since the Song came out by Katy Perry..
WeLL.. trUly.. iT says iT aLL
for me..
iT could be the
bible of my entire
life.. so why.. would someone
write 12 million words in 6 years..
so.. why.. would someone write the
Longest Long Form Poem ever.. including
a pre-6 months of one blog expanding
to several more for 3 years writing
the Longest Long Form Poem for
36 more months
at 3.3M words
plus.. now..
ending with
42 months whole..
on September.. 10th 2016
and now the day after 911 in the
‘After Book oF Fred’ Macro-Verse
to journal.. to document.. to celebrate all
of that and more in giving ways.. so.. why the
FucK would any middle age happily married man
do Nude art in literally scores of thousands of photos
spread across the world.. in restricted adult links of course..
and dance 126 weeks now on college night with a 1000 or
so selfies with smiling ear to ear college age females with
some of their male friends.. accompanying them too..
and yeah.. why the FucK.. would someone dance
a free style of martial arts and ballet-like dance
in every public place they travel in their
metro area for 6 thousand miles
in three years..
iF you can’t understand
that.. chances are.. you haven’t been
to hell.. and sure.. i can understand why it
would be hard for most people to understand
why i do all of this.. for almost.. 6 years now..
for zero green bLack Dollar bills..
not even a FucKinG
Penny on the
as it were
and is still now..
Go back to March then..
of 2008.. in the middle
of lent with almost no sleep
for 40 days.. 1 hour each night
for the first 35.. with the help of
an Alpha Blocker to slow my heart
rate down enough to rest my head
in card-board shallow barely sleep
for that 1 hour each night.. and the last
5 of 40 days in deepest empty nothing
where a thousand years lasts one second
of hell.. no sleep at all.. well.. the world record
for no sleep at all is 264 hours aka 11 days exactly..
was what i did more hell of torture than that.. well.. now
considering all the disorders i had that were invisible to
others.. experienced inside.. it was a hell that only i could
share with the God left within.. that i could not even feel but pain..
and nothing at all at the bottom of that place.. of ISREaL HeLL then..
and for 66 months all to be.. Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. Dysautonomia..
Sjogren’s Syndrome.. where my eyes quit making tears all together.. Fibromyalgia..
Severe Degenerative Arthritis in my spine.. and Spinal stenosis.. Anhedonia and
associated Severe Depression.. PTSD.. Panic Attacks.. Severe Anxiety.. Mood
Lability.. Alexithymia.. a side helping of Asperger’s on the Side on the
Autism Spectrum too.. Coat Hanger Pain associated with
Dysautonomia.. where the blood pressure and heart
rate was no longer being properly
controlled by the
Autonomic Nervous
system.. and blood was
having problems getting to my
brain.. and i was having problems breathing
and my heart rate was up and down and out of
control with my blood pressure too.. keeping in
mind.. that most of this wasn’t diagnosed for
years until after the hell started back
then.. no one could understand why
i would gasp for breath every time
i nodded off to sleep.. or see
the dentist drill in my
eye and ear
no painkiller
or drugs to work
for type two Trigeminal
Neuralgia.. the worst pain..
assessed that pain worse than
crucifixion for 66 months from
wake to sleep in hell too.. all invisible
disabilities.. except eventually the measures
of my eyes making no tears.. still invisible to
others with the unaided medical tools of diagnosis
for all of this too.. and during that sleepless period
of total separation of mind and body soUL with
others and the rest of Nature
aka God whole..
as i only
for someway..
somehow.. someone.. then..
to just put me down as they
would do with a suffering animal
then too.. but you see.. folks.. most
folks thought it was just in my head..
pull your boot-straps up.. other folks have
it worse.. don’t you know.. you have plenty
of money to get you by.. you should be so happy
don’t you know.. don’t you know.. i am in hell.. haven’t
i told you in so many words.. i know you can’t see it but
hell is in here.. please.. please.. please just put me down
easy.. please.. please.. please.. and people wonder why i
spent the extra money.. on gas.. to put Moby to sleep.. so he
wouldn’t struggle with an injection to be put down then.. i know
the feel.. right before you die but you aren’t dead yet.. and all you
wanna do is get it over with please.. as death is the greatest blessing
ever.. thank you God for that.. please let me have it okay.. anyway.. at one of
the lowest points where i was suffocating and could not breathe.. my Uncle Bob..
who we just celebrated his birthday with us yesterday.. called me on the phone
while i was suffocating.. and we rarely received calls from him over
the years.. but when i broke down at age 21.. he was the only
one from that side of the family who reached out..
and wanted me to still be a part of the
family then.. in expressing
that at least.. and he
admitted to having some
problems of his own with
depression in his life.. said..
he would do anything to help me..
drive 80 miles and take me to the hospital..
whatever i needed and.. my father just told
me everything would be okay.. and that was it..
when i first got sick.. and somehow that show
of concern.. helped me to regain my breath and
perhaps in someway it saved my life then.. as
i was sure it was gone then.. and during
some panic attacks before that..
as this physiological issue
of Dysautonomia.. will
definitely make
panic attacks
come on that are
totally physiological
in nervous.. cardio.. and
respiratory in nature of
all FucKeD Up and broke
inside.. from head to toe
in body system way.. and by
the end of that 40 days with no sleep
a place where i could not pull another thought
out of my head.. a place where i went to beyond..
beyond so far.. where there are no words to describe that
place even if i had them.. then.. to describe them.. and i was
sure i died but i woke up in the hospital.. with a mega-shot of
Ativan.. in a trance state that somehow allowed me to control
the pain.. enough.. to finally heaven sleep.. sure.. 4 MG a day
of that stuff.. just to sleep with that pain for months to come.. then..
and a full 66 months to get off that drug for sleep.. and eventually
come back to life with no pain.. from the ashes like a Phoenix..
i rise again.. as rose of flower iSReAL LiVinG aGaIn.. at
the end of July 2013.. around the 22nd of that month
then.. so what would you do if you went to hell for 66
months.. and somehow God of Nature
showed you how to get out..
where modern
medicine said
we can’t do anything
for you.. like my rheumatologist..
there is no drug i have to help you..
so.. go home.. and don’t come back..
Psychiatrist the same.. no drug for hell..
General Practice Physician too.. nothing
for you.. and frigging Neurologist that said..
you have shaky hands.. they can give you something
for that looking at me like it was all in my head.. FucK..
it was in my head.. FucK.. don’t you even know there noW
is such a thing.. as.. Atypical Facial Pain.. also known
as Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. well.. let’s put it this
way.. i have little faith in the Medical Profession.. and sure..
thank God for that Ativan.. but i have 100% Faith.. Hope
and Belief in God that lives within.. the who of me
inside.. that is God same as the who of you
who is God same of you.. the innate..
instinct and intuition.. that heals
animals in the woods.. sTiLL..
and the pArt of me you see
when you see and hear me
DAncE and SinG.. and last night
i didn’t dance for my Uncle.. as i already
showed him that on my Grand Cross 56 birthday
last June.. i did something new.. THAT side of the
family has never heard.. my cousin Teddy.. who is a professional
musician.. played the guitar.. and most everyone was too shy to
sing but me.. but you see.. i have no fear now.. as perhaps all
that pain was as they say fear leaving my body with
the metaphor of Kundalini Rising too..
where all my emotions are
regulated.. all senses
and now sure i would
have a video of that to share..
but my wife was too shy to do it in
front of all the family last night.. i don’t need
anything.. i have everything.. that is my life..
if you don’t understand the value of your life..
perhaps.. you would.. if you went where i went..
and do i need anything.. other than a breath of life..
folks who can’t breathe.. understand what they need..
folks who cannot love.. may not understand what they
miss.. i loved before.. and i got that ability to love again..
when you lose it all.. you know you are God as PaRt as
WhOle when you come back aGaIN.. and perHaps as
dArk as heLL was for you then.. WiLL be as BriGht
as Heaven.. you do your God dam best to give to
others.. as God already Damned you to
hell and gave you the
WITH LOVE.. but please.. before you judge anyone..
from Adolph Hitler.. to a grain of sand.. remember
that all of that is God.. and all pArts.. dARk..
and liGht.. and ‘tween in hues of colors
and shades of grey.. are GoD
oNe AS WhOLe.. and the
worst pARt oF all
as aRt and
PArt.. is
separate now..
from God in beyond
dArkness truly iSREaL
DAMNED TO HELL.. and that
too is pARt of God.. like it or not..
tHeRe is no escape from the potential
of living both hell and heaven in one life..
as that gift of life.. and survival.. is the basic
tenant of both meaning and purpose in liFe ISReaL
all costs.. all benefits
LiFE iSREaL..:)


WeLL.. as alWays.. the river of
creativity that can be me.. is full
and exploding with stuff to say..
AnD.. i’ll start off now with another thanks
to the Facebook Video Production Assistant
in helping me construct a nice slide show.. highlighting
an extremely busy weekend of the 10th and 11th
of September.. 2016.. in celebrating everything..
all the time now.. and alWays Heaven noW..
just ’cause i Can and WiLL.. and of course
My Uncle Bob’s Birthday too.. with
highlights more..
coming in
the photo stream
photo book.. along with
the 702nd Macro-Verse titled
“After Fred Book”.. of Ocean Whole
Poem long and of course a full 42 months
of Witnessing for the God ALL of Nature..
for all i kNOw and SenSE and FeeL.. and
yes.. much.. much more to come.. in the
coming years too.. hmm.. no limits
of 42 for me.. for the meaning
of life as there is alWays
more to kNow and
FeeL and SeNSe
iN God’s
Nature per se of
what we flea humans
cannot see and feel and
sense of God all that is.. now
and for so long to come.. forevermore
now.. is a very long now.. now.. so i continue
to SinG the ‘SonG oF mY soUL’ here too.. and
sure.. i went with Alice and Wonderland themed shirt
today.. as last night was kinda the return of a prodigal
Son too.. for not seeing some of my relatives where like
Batman i kinda fell off the face of the Earth.. and disappeared
like a magic trick me.. for over 5 years.. yes.. precisely 66 months
then.. but you know what Batman’s mentor in those days told him too..
Fame Sucks.. Go for Legend Batman.. as Legends are never one hit
wonders.. hehe.. and sure i achieved that about two years into the
public dance routine at Old Seville Quarter.. named as such
by the viewing audience who only know me as the
fearless dancing dude guy.. as Spirit Animal too..
Legend.. Icon of Metro dAnce.. and one of
the nicest compliments of all.. from the
customer service lady at Super
Walmart.. who said…
she and her
Fellow Walmart
workers say.. whenever
i go in to dance.. no matter
what season of the year it is…
i Bring Spring with me.. hehe.. and
she doesn’t even know.. i am A iSReAL
Pan of the ForEst.. hehe.. and it sure was nice
to see the Good Cop Jesus come back to church again
today.. with that prodigal story in that form too.. as Loving
the child who goes away and comes back.. dam sure beats
last week’s Luke.. Chapter 17 story that says the polar
opposite.. in hating your children if they don’t
follow what i tale them to do.. anyway..
the danger of holding a book
to the sky and worshipping
every page of it.. is no
different than
the Golden
they are
both idols of human
beings that attempt to
approximate and represent
the essence of God all that is..
however.. Humans made symbols
named words.. and turned those words
into God after God already.. done ‘been here..
like Forevernow.. to worship words.. is not different
truly than to worship any other symbol.. in visual image..
make all stuff in life.. holy and sacred.. and heaven becomes
now.. say stuff like last prophet and only Son of God.. and you
get discontent.. doubt.. fear.. and all stuff related to separation
of hate.. the teachings of Jesus in Golden Rule way.. with
consuming no other with harm.. is Universal among
sages of the ages who came centuries
before he did.. and to worship
a man.. over what
works in teachings
to bring heaven now..
is to lose the wHOle FucKinG..
point of the meek shall inherit the
earth.. and the last will be first.. it’s
already happening now.. in case ya haven’t noticed..:)



Caution.. Prairie Tale coming..
with the word Edit only
hidden by
E.. for
Everything.. hehe..
sure.. poetic.. makes it more
interesting.. and truly same is boring
and different is interesting.. per even the
the tiny book.. i read from cover to cover in
a matter of super speed reading in a few minutes
aT the Big B and N.. while dancing Tai-Chi Like-Ballet..
and listening to my Alan Parson’s Best of Trance inducing
music too.. to get Laser.. Super Focused from head to toe..
in Super
Fly Brain
and Body as
it were and sure
is today.. as practice
brings more practice in
dance and steps and words
too.. in ‘Lucy’-like human potential..
from the furry me to the online version
too haha.. weLL.. got news for you.. Good
News in fAct.. 911 came and went without
any hitches and only the new fACT i’M fiXin’
to preSent.. juSt ’cause i can and WiLL as i live
in a new age now.. wHere yes! God yes! the meek
have finAlly and silently inherited the Earth and the
last is first.. and i AM juSt a FucKinG poster boy
for all of that
hehex2.. of sorts
as God’s Cheerleader2..
hmm.. it’s like the tumble weed
of the Big Lebowski Movie.. the
911 pArt even with 69 cents
on the check in the grocery
store of that movie..
and sure the
won.. Trump folks..
and while you gnash your
teeth and wring your hands
we are FucKinG sMiLinG every
wHeRE wE go.. truly rich.. no matter
dollar bills or not.. while you worry over
your FucKinG continued hoarding of stuff..
as ya might have to share some of ya grain
stowed up in your silos with the smiling homeless
dude.. or even A Jesus who has no place to rest wHeRe
you live.. thanks God.. yes.. the place of exclusion.. the
place limited to Southern Baptist church walls and i use that
example.. for the ex-Cheerleader Lady.. my wife went to school
with.. graduating in ’88.. still looking CheerLeader good.. with bleached
blonde hair and pancaked face.. and that’s okay.. as dress it up baby..
and those work-out shorts still looked truly fertile i must say.. only
in analytical way of course.. hehe.. so anyway.. the Alice in
Wonderland dude.. after already doing a Marathon
of Dance in public places across the weekend
long.. and i might add.. hitting the 5950
milestone mark.. that surely will
hit 6000 miles in three
years by the
Fall Equinox..
for the next big
celebration coming
in milestone blog way..
anyWays.. miss prim and
proper work-out shorts lady..
exclaims to her son as i am
passing by.. get here quick son..
to her child.. there are too many
weird folks in here.. now of course
i had my head phones on.. considering
DANCE ACTIVITIES.. which of course she
has no way of kNoWing how far and deep
and sometimes red hot.. my activities
do go online too.. hehe.. but
yes.. since she said there
are too many weird
folks in here..
i immediately
turned around as i had
passed her and heard her clearly
as i ain’t got no music on yet.. hehex2..
and as we kNow.. the iPhone ear buds
are designed well not to totally stuff your
ears up.. so.. you can hear cars coming
up on ya and stuff like that when you are
driving your bike and running and all of that..
So.. go i back quickly to the aisle her son was visiting
by the Halloween stuff.. and sure enough there are
a mix of Walmart customers.. who are dressed rather
differently.. and like totally relaxed in their night clothes
and other the Dude off the Big Lebowski Movie ways
of being.. kinda like the Love Version of Jesus who
truly is the Love Christ.. as opposed to the other
polar opposite anti-Christ Jesus who exists
in FucKinG plain site in the New Testament
for those with Love eyes and ears who
can see that hating your Parents
and Brothers and Sisters..
and Children in
Luke Chapter
17.. if they don’t
follow all of the contradictions
of the New Testament like it’s even
possible to Love your enemy and hate
your FucKinG Children.. Good cop bad
cop good cop.. what the FucK it’s like the
FucKinG Joker off the Batman Movie.. live by
the sword.. die by the sword.. why so serious..
i bring a sword not peace.. FucK.. people sit
in the pews and take this shit in.. not paying attention
of course.. as there are a zillion other problems swimming
around in the their head.. to meet the Trump money and other
materialistic goals in life of course.. not even to notice half the God
Dam time.. that the New Testament is a book of Love and Hate..
Hope and Fear.. no different than the Old Testament too..
but when you tale folks you have made a humble
and zealous carpenter as the good cop
bad cop Bi-Polar Jesus continues
into play as a FucKinG God
of the Universe.. that
is just a ploy
that does
not allow
you sTiLL
to question
the total hypocritical
Nature of the book from start
to finish.. however.. in mythology way..
like all other religions and myths.. there
is most often the ‘Kali’ part.. you know the
Angel of Destruction.. the potential devil archetype
without empathy and compassion that says in tribal
instinct way.. go team go.. we are the best team and
your team sucks.. fight team fight.. sit down stand
up..kneel.. go quarterback Jesus or Muhammad
go.. no.. it’s our Jesus and not your
Jesus or this Jesus
and not that
Jesus.. Good cop
bad cop Good cop
Jesus Merry go around
and some of us are still
crucifying others for being different
or perhaps we are just another bleached
blonde Babe from The Southern Baptist Church
with her tight gym shorts on.. making it now clear to
everyone else that she and her son are the chosen
ones and everyone else on the other team just plain
sucks.. anyway.. be careful who you wish for.. as sure.. i have
a Devil two and a Joker in my back pocket2.. per that song by
21 Pilots that i shared before1.. you will never ever wanna
see into the eyes of righteous indignation that live behind
these sHades.. THE eyes who have seen REAL FUCKING
HELL HERE ON EARTH.. but no.. when i slowly
approached her like a Black Panther..
as they always walk.. as a practice
of survival.. she would never
kNow what my eYes
were thinking..
but sure..
could FeeL
my presence
of strength and fearless..
and perHaps.. she’ll think twice
now before she condemns the weird
around her as anything but FucKinG
Clown Fun!.. anyWay.. this is human nature..
she knows not what she does.. and even science
documents and provides this too.. as the conservative
mind sees the world much differently in inhibitions and
fear than the liberal mind does.. in fearless and party time
all the relaxed Panther walk and Dance now!.. i would have
asked her for a dance.. and sure.. back in the old days at
Seville.. she probably would have gotten a selfie with
me.. just to show off to ‘some’ of her friends
the wild thing she saw
out of the zoo and
all of that..
i get
i understand
how and why the
human ticks and rocks..
i forgive her for what she kNows
and feels not of what she does..
i’ve been to hell.. but no.. some
of these others folks
who her child
will go on
to bully
in school..
per the example
this mother sets haven’t
weathered the storms i have..
coming out looking like the statue
of King David and all of that in the buff…
hehe.. as it were and is in all my art haha!..
so perhaps she will think twice.. before she blurts
out something to her son.. that a real Good Cop Jesus
might be hearing in the background.. ’cause you kNoW..
there IS A pArt of her book.. that speaks to coming back in
glory to judge the living and the dead.. well here’s the thing..
only God truly Judges as all that is in the end now.. in how we
iN liGht or DArk of Positive action and consequence
live our life per the rules and laws of NatUre..
as there are literally trillions of peptide
receptors in all the cells of the
body that are fed either liGht
or DArk by the relative
free will of our
thOughts and
actions as thoughts
are simply after effects
of the affect of how we feel
about the world in pro or con
social emotions.. live life in fear..
anger and hate.. and become the
dArk of that.. live life in Hope.. Peace
and Love and become the Dude from
the Big Lebowski show come back again..
perhaps in a grocery store.. writing a check
on 911 for 69 cents.. Remember Horatio.. God
is bigger than your book or the walls of your church..
God is the Force that lives in a grain of sand and quite
Frankly.. the red tip end of my penis.. to put it as FRANkly
as i can.. and will.. to separate anything as holy and sacred
as any pARt of the Body of God from head to toe.. to tip of that
in whatever colors it comes.. from seas to shining seas.. to the
farthest galaxy of mind and body and beyond space.. distance now
and time that has never been explored.. is to live less than we
can in the greatest grace that is the gift of life now..
use it or lose it..
i use it all
and i thrive..
no.. i don’t just survive
i thrive.. as what most folks
might refer to weird and a lazy
bum too.. but here’s the deal..


Let’s see..
wHeRe was i..
hmm.. i.. i wonder
which way i ought to
go.. yes.. Facebook..
Macro-Verse memories now
from years ago.. i haven’t
lost them.. after all.. hehe..
one moment.. please.. NOW while
i retrieve with second or third
chorus.. and.. that reminds me..
a lady i used to work with.. yes..
Dolores.. whose Spirit animal was
the Tasmanian Devil of course.. once
said.. dam.. Fred.. don’t matter what sHit
you get yourself into.. you always come out
smelling like Fresh Roses.. or other flowers
per se.. as i improvise as such as i continue to
go as Cheshire Cat.. Mad Hatter.. Alice And Wonderland..
hahahaha! you may have noticed.. i am not all of myself..
truly.. my smile reaches far on this E-Land never land.. never
ending story online all.. but remember.. beware the Jabberwocky2..
and sure.. i come as the March Hare2.. in the year of our Lord 2013..
so.. i’m here.. since E-Birth.. on Thanks Giving Day of 2010 too..
hmm.. what next.. oh.. God Yes!
yes.. back to the Facebook
Memories fully in Lewis
Carrol like
tow… too
as anything
goeS in
pArt of Pan’s
Woods.. you kNow
pan of pan
more more
to come of that
aLL iT is.. too..
so.. here comes some more
totAlly a-causal related
memories from a year ago..
toTally related to today too..
As Synchronicity continues to pAint
canvas alWayS now.. wHeRe no distance
space or time literally existS onlinE.. noW
as there is no entropy here of notice.. don’t
you see.. feel.. sense and know.. there is no
sun or moon.. to light these words.. no golden
floors.. or pearly gates.. perhaps you just stepped
into the iSREAL Twilight ZonE Heaven and are not fully aware
of the looKing gLass you see through if you have arrived here now..
anyWay.. it’s NoW for juSt anotHeR TeaM ligHT SonG noW.. iF you can
see and
hEart the
cAll of God
all that is yEt..
as the team liGht
members aLL continue to
ArT and sciEncE all thaT is out..
to the best of tHeir liGht and hmm..
somewhat dARk abilities now.. so.. go Lorde2.. at 1:11 pm2..:)

Jesus F. in Christ.. if i hear that FucKinG Trump commercial
one more paid commercial YouTube Advertisement about putting
Freedom in a waLLed lock box..
i am gonna have
to ignore it
even more.. hehe..

oKAy.. back to the
regularly unscheduLed program here..
as now goeS oN.. trUly iSREAL FReED..;)

Allah’s Karma

Allah’s Karma as fully titled here..
Doesn’t need
a book..
Positive action
makes Positive consequence..
Negative action makes Negative consequence..
Flow with God of Nature’s Nature as gifted
as being HUman.. in liGht or go the dArk
path of relative Free WiLL iSreAL noW..
Laws of Nature
God and sAMe
rule.. break them
as wave of dARk and
surf potential hell too..
hmm.. i’ll go for Ocean
liGht Heaven iSrEAL noW.. beats
the other place.. DancE and SonG uP..:)

Bowling Alley Doughnut Life

Bowling Alley Doughnut Life..
Bottom Line..

Dance Dreams MORE

Dance Dreams more..
and that
reminds me..
Facebook Friend
Cortney.. who is also
a Dancing Friend from
Seville Quarter shares
a Facebook Status on looking
for a job and potential prospects thereof..

i reply..

Good Luck..
i’D hire you
to Dance but as
Sia says in terms..
Of.. Dollar Bills..
The Pay kinda sucks..
But it can be thrilling..;)

And now i say heRe and tHeRe
anD everyWheRe noW oNE for noW
evermorenow.. hehe.. liVinG now..

Yeah.. it’s too bad we cannot
go back to the forAging of village
life.. small groups of warm and fuzzy
feeling humans dancing in the liGht
of ecstasy moves in connecting
and creating anew..
as the midnight
and full
around as
it goes around
too.. and we do too..
anyway.. i dream and
do what i can and will..
and trust me as Alice says
now.. sure.. go ask Alice.. hUman
ImAGinAtiOn.. beats Trump and Hillary
Paper cut dolls any day of the dance week now..
i can iMaGiNe anything.. and trUst me.. most oF iT coMes trUe..
or truSt..
me not..
yoUr will
over free love..
or not.. my wiLL
as fearless love.. alWays noW..:)


Now to a few of my
online friEnds
who i regularly
interAct with
in never
no fAiL..
as hey.. juST
‘C A U S E..
i can and WiLL
over Love as Fearless iSREAL..
as PerHaps i AM A Wizard oF oZ iSREAL2..;)

Hmm.. noW if i can just fit the
10 commandments
into one of
i WiLL have
coveRed all the
major memes iN hiStory
oF art SAges.. mostlY online trUe
and suRE Pentatonix can hELp NoW..
WiTh that too.. in modern culturE ways too..
as Jesus.. F iN Christ.. to geT iT aLL doNe
requires quite a brush to
cover the canvas
aS even
of 12 million
words of ZilLioNs
poTenTiaL more to
cOmE online iSREAL
iN aLL O’ Unabridged bible
through hUman eYes groWinG
moRE as wE sPEAk ‘tiLL more
folks reach a singularity of clarity
iF yoU sEEk iN GoD oF couRsE.. noW..:)

“The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.”

~~ Hungarian proverb ~~

Well.. gigoid… as promised i’m back
at 2:33 pm.. Central
Time on January
12th of 2016..
and surely
the happy
and wise
are truly
the one’s who believe
with 100% faith.. hope and belief..
my Friend.. in other words they
not only walK iN liGht
as Science says..
they literAlly
bEcoMe a
liGht FoRcE
of hUman BeinG
as all multi-trillion peptide
receptors in all cells of the hUman
body FucKinG ‘forgeT’ all about dArk..
and seNSE and FeeL.. A Way BeinG
liGht.. oh.. the science and art my friEnd..
oh.. the
thrive alive..
with fearless love

“I know a lot of people without brains who do an awful lot of talking.”

~~ The Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz ~~

Hmm.. Fitting in somE ways here too.. my friEnd..

The Scarecrow listens..
The Tin man speaks..
And the Lion Roars..
when all three beComE
onE Force of Fearless Love..
but sure.. without expreSsinG thAT
for all
potEnTiaLLy moRe oNE..
so.. that’s why i for one.. choose
A role of Cheerleader aS Fearless Love..
as that my friEnd is the hiGhest hUman Gift
oF aLL..
Instrument of
God oF aLL NaturE now..
Go.. Team liGht.. Go.. Team RA! Go..:)

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe,
a part limited in time and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings
as something separated from the rest
–a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison,
restricting us to our personal desires
and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion
to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.”

~~ Albert Einstein ~~

Albert Einstein..
“The Anti-Trump”..

Need.. i say more..
sUre.. Y-NoT..
tHeRe ain’t no
Trump WallS noW
around mE..@lEAst
foR Now.. hehe.. hmm..

“The world, Govinda, is not imperfect or slowly evolving along a long path to perfection. No, it is perfect at every moment; every sin already carries grace within it, all small children are potential old men, all sucklings have death within them, all dying people — eternal life. It is not possible for one person to see how far another is on the way; the Buddha exists in the robber and the dice player; the robber exists in the Brahmin. During deep meditation it is possible to dispel time, to see simultaneously all the past, present and future, and then everything is good, everything is perfect, everything is Brahman. Therefore, it seems to me that everything that exists is good–death as well as life, sin as well as holiness, wisdom as well as folly. Everything is necessary, everything needs only my agreement, my assent, my loving understanding; then all is well with me and nothing can hurt me. I learned through my body and soul that it was necessary for me to sin, that I needed lust, that I had to strive for property and experience nausea and the depths of despair in order to learn not to resist them, in order to learn to love the world, and no longer compare it with some kind of desired imaginary world, some imaginary vision of perfection, but to leave it as it is, to love it and be glad to belong to it. These, Govinda, are some of the thoughts that are in my mind.”

— Hermann Hesse, _Siddartha_

FucKinG LoVe
FucKinG liNe
oF Existence..
as Fearless LoVe noW..:)

“To know that one has enough is to be rich.”
~~ Lao Tzu

IS A state of
miNd/boDy BaLanCinG
for scores more then..
iN thouSands of years..
people lived on the evening
Meal Alone and Love..
MoVinG.. ConNecTinG
And CreAtinG aNew
allone they sTarTed the
neXt day aLL
for Love Now
oF LiVinG noW..
juSt iMaGinE
oNly NoW
and group
greed rules..
Hmm.. i AM
the anti-rule..
LOVE.. FucK the rules of Greed..:)

“It’s All I have to bring to-day,
This, and my heart beside,
This, and my heart, and all the fields,
And all the meadows wide.
Be sure you count, should I forget, —
Some one the sum could tell, —
This, and my heart, and all the bees
Which in the clover dwell.”

~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

To do all of liFe
as poetry
is to live
as both
brush and
paint as God’s canvas iSREAL..:)

“I am an optimist. It does not seem too
much use being anything else.” — Winston Churchill

for me too..
When in hell do
not FucKinG do
as the Romans do..;)

Milton, Florida..
June 6th, 1960..
born in iSREaL U.S.A… heLL..
Also K A New Jerusalem..
on July
22nd, 2013..;)

My tombstone

And yes.. Milton,
Florida.. was named
Hell first.. ’cause oF aLL
the briars on the River
Banks of literAlly wHere i lived down town..

As alWays..
back uP
and beWitch
the ‘competition’..
oF DArk as darK..:)

All caught up to you
mY FriEnd.. gigoid.. at 3:16 p.m..
September 12th, 2016.. noW..
if tHeRe ever could be a Good
Cop Jesus.. you.. My FriEnd
would be one
of his


i roamed the neighborhood
bLock with sHades at 3:33 am..
every night for years.. the street lights
were not as briGht as my computer screen of
pain.. to E-Scape to Nature dArk each niGht.. then..
and one niGht.. a voice within spoke in a language
thaT was no words aT aLL.. FeeLinG SenSinG
within lived
liGht agAin..


desserts only kNow..


Hello.. my FriEnd.. Prajakta..
it can sometimes be lonely
to trUly have WinGs liGht..
but every once
in a while a
another bird
flies by now to
let you kNow/FeeL
you are not alone..
and through the last
several years.. trUly
in a storm of wings..
of writing..
you were
only one of
few to only you..
who consistently
dropped by my blog
site.. and let me know
you came by with at least
a like.. this writing adventure..
as far as the human touch goes..
has been truly a challenge.. while real
life.. is full of the human touch now.. i am
tempted to leave this all behind.. as i’ve created
milestones and completed them.. same as E-Scaping
pain with these words from the stARt.. but it is only a
few folks like you
who now convince
me to stay around
a little longer at lEast..
i appreciate you.. my FriEnd..
and this is a poem you write
that touches my soul
the most..
as i end
my pursuit
in writing foR Now..
for clarity as purpose..
for the meaning of liFe..
just to DancE and SinG mY
friEnd.. the thing is.. i can do that
in real life now.. and i’M not sure now
why i am not doing that more.. my neXt
stop to liGht a lamP.. perHaps morE.. noW.. outside..:)

And in conclusion i say now..



Oh.. yeah..
cRap.. aLmost
foRgET.. i dedicate
thiS.. to my moTher as noW
withouT her love tHeRe iS
no way i could have bEcome
A Love Flu.. hehe.. sUre..
iN most everyWay..
aS noW.. Anew.. Now
reNew.. So hEars
to HeLen.. this..
go ’round.. Merry..
at age 17.. coming out
of the Santa Rosa Sound..
And sure.. i’LL2 continue giving
somEway.. somEhow.. somEnoW anYWay i Go..;)







BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels


41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel

338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
3 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
SonG oF mY SoUL..:)
Approximately 30,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

Hmm.. more and less.. A Meaning oF liFe..;)




About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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23 Responses to After Book oF Fred

  1. Facebook Friend Rafiah..
    from Sialkot Pakistan says..

    You miss your passed away relatives
    the most on Eids. Always. Everytime.

    And i say in return..

    Yes.. and that reminds me today.. September 13th is my
    Grandmother’s Birthday.. born in 1903.. which means
    you are just ninety years younger than her..
    if she were alive today at 113 years old..
    and of course that makes Rafiah..
    a very young Spring woman
    sTiLL at 23..
    so Happy
    23rd birthday
    from Guess wHo..
    and i suppose that’s
    pArt of why i was past
    the 12th to the 13th of September..
    Getting my ‘After Book oF Fred’ Book Published..
    just in honor of you two.. and a few more.. i guess..;)

    Rafiah responds..

    If zero in 1903 is replaced by 9, thats my birth year..:)

    So.. i say.. also in return..

    The other reason.. i can never forget Rafiah’s
    Birthday.. is 1993.. is when we
    built our home..
    and purchased
    that swing with
    the two hearts..
    and sometimes
    i wish i had a daughter
    juSt like Rafiah.. to Love at home..
    so.. i suppose you will more than do..
    Happy Birthday SweetHeARt.. alWays..:)

    Rafiah comes back again too.. with..

    I like your home, your bedroom side with the window having a view of garden outside, and your garden. It feels so full of life. After all it’s your home. It has to be that..:) Thank you, Freddy for the consistent love. You, Kat and your cat, are all my extended family..:)
    Heart Emoticon

    And finAlly i
    saY in welcome..

    SMiLes my FriEnd..
    you are AlWays Welcome..
    And like i said on the other
    Birthday wish.. i am off a day..
    for your Birthday is the 14th but
    my wish for you is rebirth alWayS noW iN Love oF liGht..:)

    And now.. Rafiah shares
    a status of Self Love
    that i am very proud
    to hear her
    say for
    as this is the
    road to Loving
    all others fearlessly too..

    So.. Rafiah says..

    Happy Birthday, Rafiah.
    You have been a good girl and not
    everybody can manage it that well.
    That is some achievement worth celebrating.
    You go, girl. *pats self*

    And i say in return..

    Is Very
    Give yourself
    Another round
    Of Birthday Applause
    Air Mail
    Me some
    Cake to eat..;)

    And in real time
    just a minute ago..
    Rafiah responds..

    Seriously.. there should be some way
    of air mailing cake asap.
    Two tears of laughter

    And i say..
    in real time
    now too.. on her
    Facebook page as well..

    Haha.. i was just
    copying the
    of this
    Fred and Rafiah
    Friendship story
    to the continuing
    saga of all that is..
    in Ocean Poem WhoLe..
    You are cake enough for
    me.. my dear.. as i pat myself too..;)


    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd
    to FeeL
    the rhYme
    to see the reaSon..
    to kNoW we are hUman
    and that is enough to
    be the Wings and
    aS onE
    liGhT.. noW..
    oTher than that
    my favorite track
    from Ammonia Avenue
    by Alan Parson’s is ‘You
    Don’t Believe’.. Believe is
    the essence of Emotional
    power to make
    along with
    Emotions of Faith..
    Hope.. etc.. as all pro-social
    emoTioNs too.. sadly folks get
    attached to the reAsons forgetting
    the FeeLinG that moves us.. connects us..
    allows us to Create more for liFe noW the BeinG thaT is
    HuMan.. both to expand mindful awareness and sure..
    to be fully aware of the animal we are to
    master regulations of EmoTioNs
    and Integration of seNses sAMe..
    with relative free will Stronger..
    noW.. aS
    Be Happy..
    don’t worry
    liNe.. but
    more than words..
    FeeLinGs.. SenSes beYond
    the shells of what are often empty
    words that feel no rhyme under reaSons..
    anyWay.. thanks for dropping by my blog..
    it’s a alWays nice to see humans come by..
    And Alan Parsons has alWays been one group
    who touched my soul alWays.. and you my Friend
    are the first person online to ever share a song by them..
    beyond YouTube that i have
    seen.. besides
    me.. so
    sure.. i’m happy
    to see Alan Parson’s here.. too..
    iN fAct/FeeLinG/RhYme.. i got
    excited when i saw them here..:)


    Stories of boys who never loved her..
    are truly sadder stories for boys
    who cannot love..
    and truly with
    of abundance
    or scarcity promoting tribal
    wars has much to do with
    the heart of couRage and
    the womb of liFe.. and aS in
    all stuff.. to balance dualiTy is
    A task of God whole
    in wE.. noW.. as
    Our soUL
    liGht or
    dARk.. empathy
    and compassion are
    not bedfellows that sleep
    well with the sword that must
    strike the brother and sister for
    continued subsistence.. Abundance
    or even enough BrinGs a much greater
    Womb of Love.. as Long as there is balance
    in abundance too.. case given.. first world problems..
    of course.. as the stuff becomes the human over the
    loving touch of what can be a balance of Fearless
    love… how to..
    hard to do..
    day to
    day subsistence
    is scarce.. how to.. when
    day to day abundance.. hard
    to do with excess.. moderation
    and balance the key in all great
    religions.. art thOught in balance
    as there are no cookie cutter
    human beings.. ever
    now as iSreal..
    sure in books
    but books
    must make
    sense where liFe
    is art of always now
    changing toward dARk
    or liGht.. anyWay that doesn’t
    leSson the pain of the womb of
    love who seeks to nurture with
    nurture back.. and as far as what
    can be true of some cultural ways
    in what Khaled Hosseini says in
    ‘A Thousand Spendid Suns’..
    the Son who fearless
    loves IS A hUman..
    A son who
    has little to no
    shine of man now..:)

    “A man’s heart is a wretched, wretched thing.
    It isn’t like a mother’s womb. It won’t bleed.
    It won’t stretch to make room for you.”

    True.. many men could use a
    Cesarean section of the
    heArt to birth A whole
    spiRit oF EMpathy..
    CoMpasSion of
    fully feeling pro-social
    emoTions.. like the rooms
    where men never crack a smile..
    or the book that never laughs.. the
    shine of Love iS iN sMiLes of EYes..
    MiNd and BoDy soUL BalanCinG
    will never live whole without Fearless sMiLes
    and laughs for Love.. iN DancE and SonG iSREAL..:)

    Other than that.. nice to see you today.. friend Zee.. in
    yoUr life regardless if this is fiction or non-fiction.. it IS
    A TrUth and liGht of Dark for many hUman males..
    may the liGht of males find you..
    no matter what it was or is..
    and may the liGht
    of YoUr eYes
    to shine as
    Love.. no matter dArk..
    storm of other.. ones.. mY FriEnd..:)

  4. Certain redundancies are valid….

    LiFe IS A Dance..
    and sure that includes..
    lips that Dance a sMiLe..
    and fingers that
    sTiLL MoVinG
    ConNecTinG and
    Creating and you’ve
    probably heard.. i for one
    can find the meaning of liFe..
    in almost every letter and number too..

    For what is life without meaning and purpose..
    that’s kinda simple.. life without meaning and purpose..
    that we as humans do not have to wait for others to make..

    That is what sets us apart from the Rats in Calhoun’s ‘The Beautiful
    Ones Experiment’.. where Social Roles go away.. and all a Rat
    can eat is provided in limited space.. and community dies
    as no rat can break out and create a different life.. sadly..
    folks continue to be the audience in the
    plays of other folks..
    and never find
    the WiLL
    and sure..
    courAGe.. iN
    Love of MoVinG..
    ConNecTinG creAtinG
    to act and produce a play
    of social role themselves..
    where they are the directors
    of Now mY FriEnd.. the play
    that never ends now.. whether
    we direct it or only spectate it..
    from the mall seats of NFL Foot
    ball games.. and nah.. one does
    not have to be fleet footed in dance
    like i am now.. for i too.. was once a shut
    in with extreme pain too.. stumbling.. not even
    able to make a TV Dinner without falling to my knees..
    if i could even play tic tac toe.. as there was a day where
    i literally could not play a game of tic tac toe.. the ‘Anti-Christ’
    of relative
    free will
    mY Friend.. with
    keyboard dance first..
    for metaphor of course..
    as all is metaphor that we
    as humans can in relative terms
    act.. produce and direct.. if only one
    letter can be typed in dance to express
    that for me at LeASt as the letter H wHOle mY FriEnd..
    as two
    of brain become one..
    two hemispheres of earth
    connect in joining online hands2..
    bEcoMes one H..
    or alpha numerical
    8 for standing tAll iNfiniTy
    as hUman being becomes
    UniVerse sAMe As wHole..:)

    A sAddest pARt oF aLL
    is when humans put
    in chains
    and no longer
    allow the never
    changing reality of Change..
    per yoUr axiom two that can be one too..:)

    Bottom line..
    is the country
    that can conquer
    most every country
    from within.. people say
    where i live.. the sky is falling..
    the sky is falling.. ’cause of the
    potential results of a political election..
    i say FucK it.. no matter.. what the laws
    protect me enough to alWays be Free.. Now..
    at least wHere i for one livE.. within.. mY FriEnd..
    A place
    i act..
    and Play..
    other than
    that nice to see
    you gigoid.. and
    anything is better than
    nothing.. been there
    did/done nothing
    and something
    is alWays the
    Rose that
    God kNows2
    without any words @aLL..:)

  5. Social Roles.. and the slow dance
    vs. Bootie Dancing sway..
    twerk now.. arms
    of love
    and eYes
    oF liGht more
    distant now than
    what was once innocent
    Love.. as sure.. a cultural invention..
    Patriarchal social roles of innocent
    women and white knight men..
    i’m glad i had the
    to live a
    place in a time
    to live that cultural
    created innocence..
    true.. the environment now
    better reflects the wild of human
    Nature.. interdependent wHere every
    one plays a courage and love for existence..
    but still the innocence
    of the slow dance..
    the eYes oF LiGht
    that sinG hiGher
    i’m glad i had
    a slow dance of LiFE first..
    iN A world now wHere making
    your own social role is becoming
    increasingly the Nature of the Game..
    the slow dance is fading away.. in
    someways i Stil find it at
    home still with
    a wife
    still lives
    in that place..
    but nah.. no public
    dance for the too shy of that
    even now.. and that’s okay.. now..
    as sure.. i like home base that stays..
    And sure.. it reminds me of my first Love
    as i can still see the innocent liGht of those fifteen
    year old eYes in a place where i wanted to live forever
    then.. but forever now alWays changes in liGht and DARk..
    and a slow dance of Romance innocent in now surely still lasts
    in dreAms
    that stiLL liGht
    in eYes oF i.. now..
    i must say.. i feel sorry
    for those folks who never
    fELt/FeeL the slow dance days of Love..:)

    AnyWay ‘that’ Orleans song reminded me
    of this Orleans song and that’s how the
    song continues
    to play
    for me
    @lEast iSREAL..:)

  6. Now.. off to dVerse.. a little late from Yesterday
    of course.. as an extremely busy
    weekend and writing the usual
    15 to 20K words in three
    days.. wHere the
    Quadrille of exactly
    writing 44 words for the
    day mixed with a prompt
    theme for the word ‘Open’
    is the required social role play
    of the day from dVerse.. ‘Open’.. i’LL
    surely go with.. as that could be my middle
    name.. hehe.. but 44 words.. nah.. that takes
    the spiRit away from the heARt oF art of miNd
    and BoDy BaLanCinG soUl in pre-planning
    every word.. sure.. i could do it.. but i ain’t
    in art for form.. essence of meaning
    and purpose is the no rule
    of the day other
    than fearless
    Love for me..
    so i moVe on with
    fearless Love fully in tow..
    and a pen iS my only sWord..
    hehe in more than words too haha..
    that only gives poEtry that comes.. yes..
    from.. head to toe.. as spiRit MoRE Now
    warm and tRue with an innocence for Give..
    Give.. more.. hmm.. and sure.. i like a few hellos
    or hi nice to see ya.. along the way.. or even
    just a like that says.. Kilroy.. i saw you..
    you are now here.. but again.. giving
    more than taking IS A greAtest
    privilege and gift
    to have
    and give..
    so off to give more
    i WiLL.. particularly..
    with no restrictions oF mY SoUL..
    as is open.. with no dams to hOld
    A River of Ocean wHole Back for me@leASt noW..:)

    And yeah.. this is Micro-Verse comment 60,606.. could be lucky..
    in fAct iT WiLL be lucky.. as ye of little faith
    is not
    in my
    hehe.. @lEast for mE Now..
    as this 703rd Macro-Verse of
    longest Long Form Poem continues..
    as i continue to surpass now.. my 42
    months in witness for all of God of Nature..
    i see.. sense more
    and feel now
    now open
    to all that iS
    comes morE noW..:)

    One of my favorite pArts of
    seaSonS noW and the garden
    i helped plant with Nature that
    surrounds my yard.. is a different
    color flower for everyday of the year
    to capture and share around the world..
    juSt ’cause i can and will..
    and sure.. a flower
    colors the
    same of
    can and will..
    only humans now
    limit the colors
    iN Nature of God’s paint..
    a Mountain of Love has no fearless
    summit for the colors of Love Open..:)

    SMiLes my friend.. Glenn..
    no word(s) now is big enough
    to paint the colors of the
    rainbow inside.. not God..
    not Existentialism and
    not even the
    as some folks
    suggest the word
    came first.. haha..
    just do
    is the
    way it’s
    alWays been
    dOne @lEast foR noW..
    only humans attempt to
    capture that in words.. and
    that’s fine as long as words beCome
    and not
    rigid science..
    as only dreams
    open words to more
    of what iMAginAtiOn
    MoVes.. coNnecTS and
    Creates MoRE.. NoW..:)

    giFt of liFe
    from birth
    to death
    open from
    my friend.. whetHeR
    during or otHeR..
    for LiFe..
    Grace of Gift
    my FriEnd.. noW no
    greaTer than liFE..:)

    God lives in open blue skies
    of clouds.. eYes of any
    sKeyes too..
    open iS A
    to ALL GOD thAT iS..
    only ways do not exist
    in open of GodSkEYes..:)

    ps.. that’s common sense
    that religion and cultures
    take away with chains
    of tribal
    that say
    do it our
    way are get the FucK out..
    from delete me.. to ban me..
    to FucKinG Crucify me closed too..
    hmm.. oh what a day
    of finALLy
    an oPen pLay
    for God to E-Scape
    the chain of books
    for lesser Gods than ALL that iS..
    STiLL juSt waiting to E-Scape Open from within2..:)

    Pens extensions of opening fingers that
    scratch in sand with sticks
    of alphabets
    that symbol
    an essence more
    of what is than can
    be said with non-verbal
    language of dance.. open too..
    but ugh oh.. when the pen replaces
    dance.. and finger replaces toes to
    move the body whole.. separation of
    mind and body BaLanCinG comes more
    and the essence
    fAdes from
    pen as
    pen moves
    to form more
    than essence whole..
    and that my friEnd is why
    we grow short sighted in ways
    of pen.. as the dance of life fades
    further from toes that flow more
    than lines
    of pages..
    meadow liGht
    briGht meadow
    opens.. sky more
    than words who line..
    as sidewalk way less..:)

    Smoke of clouds
    cover eYes with
    paint of God
    ever will..
    open or closed..
    as clouds always
    change as smoke
    more than pens
    wield.. no..

    IS A
    with Tears..
    Pain iS A
    death noW
    without tears..
    Tears are A
    Strength ever
    more than none..
    Sadness better than
    nothing aT all.. FeeL iT..
    alWays FeeL.. lEt iT aLL Be..:)

    Well with that said..
    now for lunch and
    perHaps a sand
    and sun dance..
    @12:15 pm..

    Off of break here
    until i go to visit
    my Mother with wife..
    a little later but foR noW
    more poEtry comes for sure..

    Interestingly.. a newest
    therapy for PTSD.. is
    adventure therapy..
    to open a door
    for greater
    of positivity
    over fear to retrain
    every peptide memory
    of trillions of connections
    across all cells to feel liGht
    rather than all associated
    with the dARk of FEAr..
    the body leads
    the mind
    body is the
    mind.. body electric
    or whatever Whitman
    said is more than poetic
    now.. we are beings oF liGht
    in everY ceLL of chemical reaction
    for positive emotion of neurochemical..
    neurohormone.. peptide receptorS in trilLions
    of connections singing sharps instead of flats..
    And sure.. it works
    as i for one.. once shut
    in for 66 months can SinG
    and DancE solo noW without even
    a blink or hesitation of NO that Now
    is only fear when it comes to ExpreSsinG
    SpiRit oF ARt.. but ha..!.. my aDventures
    haven’t been easy.. at first.. buT aLL
    well worth it now..
    as fear kills every
    thing liGht when
    and negative @aLL..
    Neuroplasticity and EpigeneticS noW
    from head to toe A SonG i’LL sinG iSReAL SoUL noW2..
    Imagine if the UniVerse could DancE and SinG..
    What a gift.. for we caN
    with relative
    Free WiLL noW
    and Fearless Love..
    platitudes only.. nah.. we
    are connected and all is interrelated
    from head to toe.. inside.. outside.. all
    around above to stars to neurons
    and all peptide
    Cells iSREAL..
    Sorry that’s several
    Quadrille’s.. WiNks but
    it’s leg quarters.. they
    all joined up and were hard to cut..
    as they continued to open up.. see yA.. Freya..:)

    i did it before
    i read the science..
    That happens
    A lot
    No reaSon but HeArt
    The power to heal..
    Innate iNstinct
    And iNtuition
    Yogi and
    Other ways..:)

    Fear IS A source of all weakness..
    stress.. and human diSease..
    Fear.. IS A enemy oF aLL
    that is oPen liGht..
    and without
    lighT we
    live weakness
    iN DArk.. as liGht
    iS pro-social emoTions
    and seNses and dArK is
    An adversary oF liGht.. Now..
    Vs.. alWays Strength noW for more…
    No regrets wiTh free as liGhT is Home..
    for LIFE as liVinG up now rather than down..
    and yes.. the first step is to take another now..
    in a different
    to create
    liGht over once
    what was dARk
    iN Straight lines of priSon..:)

    Mary Poppins..
    finAlly reLeased
    her umbrEllA and let iT aLL go..
    just a stand
    iN for
    Frozen girl..
    And Katy Perry..
    with a song for
    parachute.. too..
    samE as RiSinG
    FoR All..:)

    Breath oF LiGht
    LiGht oF noW..
    SinG oF
    DancE oF FeaT..
    what else is tHeRE..
    yeS.. Now
    Fearless Love
    aLL ToGeTHeR..
    rePeaT.. as FREE.:)

    Clouds are words
    Words thaT SinG..
    And Sunshine
    iS icinG oN
    cloudS noW
    that open
    for even
    than beauty oF
    Clouds.. coloRed FReED..:)

    SMiLes.. i nodded oFF..
    yET perHaps dreAms WiLL
    BrinG moRE oF iMaGiNaTioN
    SinGs as DanCe oF liGht..:)

    Pen iS
    than the SWord
    And oPen.. Dance.. eveN
    more powerful than Word..
    tRust me.. Women Love
    or even
    poEtry StiLL to coMe..
    aT lEast that’s whaT all the
    photos say on the Longest Long
    form poem ever.. sMiLes beat liKes..
    uP noW..
    wiTh Dance
    Peace too..;)

    LiFe SMiLeS..
    It juSt doEs
    iT as FloWers
    oPen PoLLinAtinG
    otHers more for liGht
    as DancE and SonG
    Fear for JoY BriGht..
    Open HeArt..
    miNd and
    BoDY BaLanCinG
    soUL Awakes
    iNG moRe noW..aTer
    AiR We FloAtinG.. GrAviTy FReED..:)

    Addiction noW of the
    heArt.. A noose wrapped
    loosely but not tight enough
    for change..
    the change
    of empty
    the place oF liGht
    juSt out of grasp
    an opaque
    of empty
    FiLLed Chalice oF WinE..
    with no tears of respite for Love..
    Been to this place where only Turkey
    Feed off
    of Hung..
    no longer tHeRE
    i sMiLe friEnd and
    hope oTheRs can come
    back from an addiction of numb..
    no.. i don’t drink.. nothing workS in heLL..
    wHeRE A thouSand years hang on i of Needle..:)

    i’M not particularly
    fond of worshipping religious
    words.. but what i do find noW as
    it is a special interest of mine to study
    across the world IS A favorite
    one from the
    Gospel of Thomas
    verse 37 that says
    to open uP
    to find
    you kNow..
    the free spirit
    of unrepressing emotions
    and senses of human beings
    set Freed.. too.. and i quote
    here.. as WeLL.. noW.. too..

    “37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
    and when shall we behold you?”
    He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
    take your garments and put them under your feet like little
    children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
    Living, and you will not be afraid.”

    Hmm.. imagine how different the world
    would be if the literal interpretation of
    that replaced the same with
    The Bonobo.. our
    closets cousin.. ‘says’
    it works to avoid all
    violence.. where
    war solves
    of tribal instinct
    when the joy is naked
    and free with Love..
    stArted storing
    grain.. and the
    rest is a history of fear
    for having less than the Raven Sings.. Fly.. Free..:)

    Other than that.. i find dancing like this in sand
    and sun.. totAlly legal and private in my back yard..
    frees iT aLL with music to drOwn
    out all the lies
    hmm.. so
    simple to be free..
    so difficult to escape.. naked aGain..
    whoever wrote that vs 37 was F in Brilliant too..
    and sure they were speaKinG of ALL cultural clothes2..:)

    Ah.. yes.. my FriEnd.. sMiLes..
    the Yang of Courage and
    WiLL.. and the Yin oF
    and Love..
    the marriage
    of both within..
    eXploDes as LovE
    outside.. above.. so below
    and all around.. merry iT iS
    to be complete as a painting iSReAL..:)

    And wiNks that could
    have been a Quadrille2
    but i refuse
    to separate
    is from real..:)

    LiGht resides in every
    peptide receptor of
    human cells..
    so does DArk
    in cells that
    of fear and stress.. and sure
    muscles tighten up as alternative
    to experiencing uncomfortable
    emotions.. the body
    keeps score
    in so many
    to truly
    open uP is
    Free mastery over
    body first.. regulating
    emotions.. integrating senses
    can be as easy as balancing one
    foot with the other and perhaps
    walking different backwards
    than forward
    to establish
    new muscle
    and cellular
    memory for a
    new day iN liGht
    of EmoTions and all
    bio-chemistry associated with liGht..
    for me at least.. lessons.. hell no.. just
    more fodder for did i get it right or wrong..
    moving free is loving now.. with no restraints
    of science one step two step five to limit FReED..
    It’s sort of what Forrest Gump did to forget his Mother’s
    Death and all the other stresses in daRk of memory then
    of liFE..
    i find free
    dance is more
    fun than pounding
    road on 56 year old knees..
    sMiLes.. may peace be with
    you stArting within my FriEnd..
    to open

    Love an open
    to ways
    un done.. foR noW..:)

    LiFe.. a chalice..
    a drink with no
    a wall..
    often with
    chalice of no HeARt..
    open eYes.. clothes.. no
    cover of isrEAL iNside..:)

    i find ‘he’ never
    coMes unless one
    builds a field of dreAMs
    first.. and finds ‘him’ within
    as Father/Mother/Son/Daughter/Brother/Friend
    aLL other ones/Nature and Holy SpiRit isreAL noW..onE but that’s
    iN Heaven now..:)

    4:47 pm.. off to
    visit mother with
    wife.. Store Dancing
    and such fun as that..;)

  7. Quick note to self..
    Go to the beach.. Yes..
    there’s no place like home..
    there’s no place like home..
    there’s no place like home..
    for the
    thaT iS mE.:)

    Just came back from
    Perusing GodsUniVerseNovel3
    yeah.. that longest Macro-Verse of
    Ocean wHolE Poem.. encompassing
    338,630 words in juSt one Verse..
    of over 3,300,000 words whole..
    but for me the best
    pArts are the
    best of Beach
    photos i took
    over the course of
    three years of doing
    a total of 100K photos
    or so.. with FlicKr too..
    the rest of all from Summer
    of 2014.. are on that Ocean
    whole Poem.. at 60 to 70K
    photos or so.. and the 300
    could be called the creme of
    the Crop.. free to be picked out
    of that Macro-Verse lone of allone wHole…
    We live in a world where we can share and
    give greatly.. the only thing that’s holding us
    back really.. is the fear of not owning the world
    we live in.. to give and share free.. folks who
    think they can make a living off of art.. mostly
    fear something.. that could never happen
    anyway.. so i say.. no matter what..
    life is too short.. not to share and
    give the best one lives as
    life.. and surely
    this photo that
    if not 12 Million
    words.. is worth sharing
    over and over.. juST for
    the Beauty of A Day in a liFe
    of me.. that i do not care to hoard..
    and whatever you give and share that
    is left over for others to share and give
    free after you die.. is simply an extension
    of the soUl oF yOUr liFe isREAL that others
    will touch for years.. perhaps thouSands of years
    to come.. sure.. life can be much longer than live
    if you simply
    care to give and
    share free.. i find it
    more than sad how hard
    it is to find some artists.. even
    the Beatles.. whose records have
    become too vintage to share for free..
    every thank you and ever give of inspiration
    is the potential spArk of Art of liFE that could
    save a person’s life to inspire them to hold on
    one more now for liGht.. but of course you
    miGht not understand the gravity of that
    unless you too.. go to hell.. the dARkest
    place oF aLL.. NoW..
    and again
    and again
    and again
    that’s why i share
    and give.. without worry
    of who takes what of what
    i give and share.. as only
    Love grows after death of Life
    when share and give IS A Rule of LiFe..:)

  8. WeLL.. after perusing Beach Sunset
    photos today.. that have already
    been taken for art..
    next stop.. reaLiTy.. this
    evening and the sky was
    on fireworks of clouds in
    God’s aLL NaTuRe CreaTiVity..
    oN evenings like this.. nothing
    awes me like the
    canvas of God’s
    sKeYes aLiVe..
    in ever changing
    art of Clouds eYes..
    to enjoy as evening
    Masterpiece Theater..iSREAL.:)

  9. And now.. for the MacroVerse Facebook Memory
    Parade.. for two days here as i am
    sTiLL plAying a bit of catch
    uP from all the
    activities that
    continue to go on..
    FReED… hehe.. iSReAL..
    first from a year ago.. here is
    Sweet 911 Dreams in poeTry
    of frigging
    terrorist attacks
    and stuff like that..
    as the River Nile exceeds
    her banks for reproductive creativity
    in all of fertile ways of giving and sharing FReED..:)

    Sweet 911 Dreams

    And here is a short quote Micro-Verse Memory from a year ago2..:)

    When i am a little boy there is no question..
    There is me and Nature and we are ONE..
    When i go to school.. i become a lesson..
    There is a lesson and me are separate..
    When i become a man i go to work..
    There is working working always..
    Well.. all that almost
    Kills me..
    Now i am a little
    boy again.. there is
    no question.. there is
    me.. there is nature and we
    are ONE.. i live again AM FREE..
    There are lessons.. there is working
    and yes.. there is moving.. connecting
    and Creating but without me.. ALL IS LOST..:)

    Hi Zee..
    and one should
    never forget

    FRIDAY THE 13TH i92BK1113M
    Yeah… this one from 3 years ago..
    is a might cryptic Macro-Verse but the
    Navarre Beach photos are worth a spin.. and
    sTIll a little rough around the edges recovering
    from hell fresh out of that place here sTiLL.. relatively..
    for a couple of months by September of 3 years ago.. to date..:)

    FRIDAY THE 13TH i92BK1113M

    Living in the September of Boogie Wonderland.. here.. a Macro-Verse
    from two years ago.. speaking on the topic of my Conception Fall
    Equinox Birthday of 660 months in 2014.. to.. soon
    arrive at 666 months of existence on the Spring
    Equinox and Solar Eclipse of 2015.. as well..
    with more poetic thoughts of course..:)

    Living in the September of Boogie Wonderland

    Finding MY new tale here from two years
    ago too.. and kinda sad.. as this documents
    one of Moby’s last successful jumps to the kitchen
    table.. at about 8 years old.. soon.. to succumb to
    complications from Diabetes.. the next year at the
    end of 2015.. at close to 10 years old.. not even able
    to lift himself up to the extra low level litter box.. we
    all have the potential for functional disability any now
    of our life.. without even any fault of our own.. in responsibility
    for these struggles of life.. life is worth living as healthy as we can
    make it be.. as there is no escape living in one’s own skin of liFe..:)

    Finding MY new tale

    FoR the LOVE of Yoda.. Macro-Verse.. from a year ago..
    And sure as Karen Carpenter says.. we’d like to make
    a contact with you.. sure.. we are all star children..
    young and old as one race of human beings
    now.. some of we have FReED ourselves
    as trUly Vehicles and Vessels of
    most extraordinary interplanetary
    craft of human flesh and blood housing
    the reaLiTy of God inside.. as reflection oF
    UniVerse wHole.. sure.. WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS..
    those of us who have escaped lies of separation.. once
    again.. finding unity within.. and a peace we beseech as
    teaching oTheRs as Interstellar Policemen to give others
    a messAge of Freedom iN Fearless Love.. hiGhest power
    gifted by GoD aLL of naTuRe floWeR oF all as StIll Emerging
    Beauty one.. here on this.. lovely PlAneT eArTh that we can
    all share globAlly as Love.. we are here to prevent something
    horrific in fear and hate from happening.. here now.. as.. star
    seeds wE are hEart to protect Nature as GoD’sKeYes oNe noW..:)

    FoR the LOVE of Yoda

  10. Well i suppose after
    calling Interplanetary Craft
    for Interstellar flight.. i might
    as well jump on over to dVerse noW
    for their Tuesday prompt on Travel..
    and perhaps
    get back
    to that
    Prompt on Open..
    later tomorrow..
    and on top of that
    only 11 links so
    be somewhat
    of a breeze to catch
    up fully on that one now..:)

    10:55 pm.. 9132016..:)

    First oF aLL.. Lillian
    in the September North
    of Cape Cod relatively
    speaking of course from
    North Florida.. i enjoyed
    your human description in
    poetry of this lovely place..
    and the photos
    add so much
    as of course
    i for one was
    never one for
    words until
    losing effective
    use of my eye sight
    for 66 months and hearing
    as such as well.. making navigating
    the world in words a necessity for one of before
    illness.. as a mostly visual thinker.. interestingly too..
    some folks have great difficultly thinking visually..
    and it often comes out in somewhat more literal
    ways of poetry too.. harder to understand with
    the more interpretive right side of the human
    brain.. as sure.. in metaphor.. as in many
    ways.. both work together as one of
    course.. anyway.. hoping
    to see more travel
    photos on the trail
    today.. as i would
    rather see the
    of photos rather
    than looking up the
    places for stock photos
    on Wiki and such as that..

    Tourists traps of travel.. reminding
    me of my recent Emerald Coast Destin
    shores visit.. where that place
    is a human zoo.. more than
    a beach for
    free foot
    one with
    Nature whOle..
    yeah.. can’t imagine
    visiting that beach for peace..
    for public dance.. sure.. but for peace
    noW.. i’ll dance on Sand beyond the stress
    of culture ways where Condos are now.. sAdly the
    foot prints that stay.. edifice of cultural cancer..:)

    Hmm.. a trip to a Bordello as a 13 year old..
    the closest i got there was when a girl’s
    mother sat on my leg
    in the parking lot
    of a school dance..
    still not quite sure
    why she did that
    but she said my
    leg was too
    and it
    hurt her butt..
    yeah.. i rode a bike
    a lot.. and had no frigging
    idea.. what sex was.. even at 15..
    yeah.. not surprised all the so-called
    cat houses closed down.. i understand
    that strip clubs are having a difficult and
    hard time finding paying customers too..
    since the
    72 Virgins
    in Heaven Free
    thing is online
    24/7.. at least
    it deters Terrorists
    attacks.. i guess for
    empty promises after
    death fulfilled in Heaven U.S. oF A..;)

    30 minute jaunt to Heaven.. a path
    across sand to the west and out of view
    of super tall condos.. a place without even
    human foot-prints as sadly most folks don’t
    even have it in them.. to walk five miles
    to get to heaven..
    nah.. it’s noT..
    free.. like
    they say an
    and the Navarre Beach..
    big camel of condo culture..:)

    For some a tragedy
    makes vengeance
    a travel mate..
    for otHeRs
    As friEnd..
    A UniVersal
    waY noW oF
    sayinG heLLo
    wiTh eYes thaT
    Love iN UniSonG’s
    Home.. aWay from Lone.. to Love..:)

    SMiLes.. i’m led to ‘her’
    by prompt of your French
    Exchange travel.. remembering
    my Cajun Grandmother.. a business
    lady with Foreign Exchange College age
    French Students to stay at her home..
    where it appears
    she served
    more than
    dinner and a place
    to stay.. as rumor goes.. sMiLes..
    dying at 69 but living every day as youth..
    i suppose we have
    something in
    common too..
    mY Paternal Grandmother
    and i.. only difference reAlly..
    i kept the first spouse at home..
    and never exchanged her as two twenties for a 40..
    only.. as
    of course..:)

    Sigh.. this
    reminds me..
    i’ve only been
    to Disney World
    and Washington DC..
    spoiLed by the most Beautiful
    Beaches and River front
    LandS in Panhandle
    oF Florida
    but StILL
    the wanderlust
    bites.. the steak and
    ice cream served up
    by Nature every day..
    i can’t get
    tired of
    it.. iT is
    jUsT too Good..;)

    WorD tooL..
    NatUre wE..
    EsSence Tool..:)

    SMiLes ..i too.. now avoid
    straight lines and borders
    and make my entire
    life dream
    of Emotional
    Regulation and
    Sensory Integration..
    Science is just a scribe..:)

    GreaTest heARt
    oF hUman
    thaT GroWs
    morE iN
    thaN Books..
    SpiRiT moveS
    conNecTinG.. CreaTinG
    miNd And BoDy WhOle..
    Ocean GroWs soUL
    wE noW
    oF nAtuRE

    Interestingly.. for me at
    lEast.. i can relate as i just
    did a reunion with the only
    four cousins on my Father’s
    side complete since decades
    juST a reminder now to me..
    that each hUman connection
    IS A unique one that has STiLL
    A special FeeL oF anoThEr mulTi
    UniVerse created witH FearLess
    eYes of Unconditional
    Love.. that can
    never be
    but alWays
    liVEd oN as A
    GreATer siZe oF soUl..
    As Tree of LiFE FiLLs iN..:)

    All caught uP
    at 12:18 am..

  11. Hmm.. another opportunity to use the
    theMe SonG.. ‘Rise’ by Katy Perry..
    worth noting when someone
    who takes the bible
    literally strays
    into the Hurricane
    of i of words.. like
    a stray droplet of rain..
    i will consume them and
    add much more water to
    the mix of the storm
    of fearless
    Love i AM
    a repeat
    of a comment here
    and a stray drop of
    water who entered
    my Hurricane
    i AM..;)

    i’M not particularly
    fond of worshipping religious
    words.. but what i do find noW as
    it is a special interest of mine to study
    across the world IS A favorite
    one from the
    Gospel of Thomas
    verse 37 that says
    to open uP
    to find
    you kNow..
    the free spirit
    of unrepressing emotions
    and senses of human beings
    set Freed.. too.. and i quote
    here.. as WeLL.. noW.. too..

    “37) His disciples said to him, “When will you be visible to us,
    and when shall we behold you?”
    He said, “When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
    take your garments and put them under your feet like little
    children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
    Living, and you will not be afraid.”

    Hmm.. imagine how different the world
    would be if the literal interpretation of
    that replaced the same with
    The Bonobo.. our
    closest primate cousin.. ‘says’
    it works to avoid all
    violence.. where
    war solves
    of tribal instinct
    when the joy is naked
    and free with Love..
    stArted storing
    grain.. and the
    rest is a history of fear
    for having less than the Raven Sings.. Fly.. Free..:)

    Other than that.. i find dancing like this in sand
    and sun.. totAlly legal and private in my back yard..
    frees iT aLL with music to drOwn
    out all the lies
    hmm.. so
    simple to be free..
    so difficult to escape.. naked aGain..
    whoever wrote that vs 37 was F in Brilliant too..
    and sure they were speaKinG of ALL cultural clothes2..:)

    My Fundamentalist Christian Friend
    from Iowa.. Lynn responds to me
    on another poet’s site.. who
    obviously isn’t a fundamentalist
    Christian and a more open minded
    believer in God.. as she don’t like it
    that i gave credence to the Gospel of Thomas..
    as it is not included in a book she feels is infallible..
    as she says.. and i fully quote Lynn.. now here.. below..

    “Gospel” of Thomas is apocryphal, not canonical…
    naked is distracting and too cold in Iowa, Fred..;)”

    And in preface here.. the major ruse of pastors of
    fundamentalist churches is to say to the congregation
    if the miracles attributed to Jesus are not 100% literally
    true there can be no God..
    that’s just plain silly
    when words
    God over
    the Great I AM
    oF all that is as we
    are pARt and pARCel
    of IAM too.. as even
    science shows the
    entire Cosmos
    as reflection
    of God
    within we
    pArt and pARCel too..:)

    So i go on to respond to
    Lynn.. hmm.. making the
    nice poet’s site into a
    religious debate.. hehe..

    The Educated Greeks
    Determined what sects
    Of oral tradition illiterate
    Armaic speaking folks in
    The area exchanged over
    Four Decades.. Ranging from
    So-called Christian sects believing
    in one to twelve Gods depending on
    which sect one talked too.. And for 1500
    years or so until the first English printed edition..
    There were no copy machines but scribes where
    biblical scholars teach budding pastors at Divinity
    Schools that those scribes made any where from
    three to four hundred thousand mistakes.. Some
    minor and some major as all humans do copying
    written material by hand with only two letters by
    Paul to the Ephesians likely written by an
    original author.. And of course the Trinity
    Idea was Determined by the soon to
    be expanded Roman Catholic Empire
    four Centuries after Yeshua died..
    Pastors who graduate from Divinity
    Schools rarely tell the Congregation the Bible
    is far from infallible but they clearly understand that
    ye of little faith will never believe in God without myths..
    i took the parts of Luke that promise Heaven comes in this
    generation.. The Golden rule.. With consume no others with harm..
    The parts where with Faith.. Belief and Hope can heal us as even
    The Scribe of Science proves now.. And will to do more than Jesus
    as that part by John makes sense too.. The rest.. i consider the
    source by taking the advice of whomever wrote Luke and
    the Gospel of Thomas and find God and the
    KinGdoM within.. There was no cold
    in the Desert my Friend.. And
    the real ISreAL IS A place like
    America where all children Of God can
    pursue Life.. Liberty and Happiness aka Heaven now..
    i for one live there but the original Greek definition of
    Apocalypse.. In lifting the Many Veils of ignorance sure
    does help along with discernment of truth and light as i
    for one complete a full witness for the God.. I Am.. For
    42 months with over 3.3 million words in the longest long
    form poem in the history of humankind surpassing the previous
    centuries long effort of 1.8 million words with a total of 12 million
    words documented to this year in 6 years span too on Thanksgiving
    Day along with Six thousand miles of public Dance in three years praising..
    I AM… Just fully fulfilling what King David said he would Celebrate God on
    the Naked part of the Dance too and that my friend Is what 100 percent Hope..
    Faith.. And Belief WiLL juSt Do after escaping iSREAL Hell on Earth for 66 months
    where one second in Hell is a thousand years with a pain in my right eye and ear
    assessed by modern science worse than crucifixion.. That was the hardest part
    by far of doing so much more than the myths attributed to Jesus.. But again
    my faith
    iSREAL I AM..:)

    And now i say further..
    Here’s the deal it’s
    fear that holds people
    back from realizing that
    Heaven can and will be now
    with 100% Hope.. Faith and
    Belief now in juST doing a practice
    of MoVinG.. ConNecTinG and CreAtinG
    with fearless Love now.. in 100% positive
    liGht.. what are they afraid of.. what happens
    after death of course.. that they may never see
    their loved ones from before.. as they cannot
    handle the thought they may never
    see them again after they
    die.. well.. the truth is
    they will never see them
    the same again
    in the next second
    that comes as the reality
    is we change every now over the
    course of a lifetime.. life is all change..
    now and even if Jesus could come back now..
    he would change too.. as we all do as nows
    go by.. and hopefully as the Verse of John says
    do more as well.. in human potential continuing
    to be set free as the great I AM continues to emerge
    with uS as Greater liGht and tRuth now as WeLL.. this
    requires much greater hope.. faith.. and belief than a whimpering
    belief that all you have to do is say a magic incantation of John
    3:16.. and you’ve got it made no matter what you do now..
    well sure.. that’s what they say when you buy the
    used car at the car lot with the slick
    snake oil salesman there..
    Religions are designed
    to control and subjugate
    folks with illusory promises
    and fears overall.. including
    the control of reproductive freedoms
    to make life easy.. where men won’t have
    to work to attract mates either.. you know
    like doing something else rather than watching
    sports on the weekend or reading the Newspaper
    all night.. instead of paying attention to your lovely wife..
    and sure even science shows that the clergy is in the top
    10 checklist of professions for folks with Psychopathic
    traits all out to control the heart strings of others for
    sexual domination and greater material resources
    to hoard some more grains over sharing and
    giving.. TrUth and liGht in the now
    of Heaven.. is jUSt about
    the best we
    ask for
    in life.. and
    this gift is beyond
    amazing myths and miracles
    for iT isREAL Heaven alWays now..
    but to get tHeRe the longest way around
    is after death.. and sadly that is the biggest
    lie ever established by human beings as
    insane as insane can possibly
    be believed by the
    sheep who follow
    blindly afraid
    if they
    step out
    off the sidewalks
    of social approval that
    they will be outcast and
    starve to death.. which of course
    is a real part of human instinct for survival
    and why this camel is so huge.. and the escape
    truly is an eYe of A needle.. that perhaps one has
    to endure Hell 66 months to more fully escape.. the
    veils of ignorance are legion.. oh.. but the sweet
    honey and milk of TrUth and liGht iS alWays
    now so soothing.. as the
    greaTeST SonG
    and DanCe oF aLL
    as the gift of God aLL
    oF Nature to us Free now..
    as The Raven sings now his
    or her song.. of abundance
    in this iSREAL Land of Grapes of Joy..
    where the parachute of culture no longer
    holds wE down iN LiGht oF Truth iN practice noW..:)

  12. Hmm.. sUre.. tHis iS worth
    repeating and exPANanDinG oN too..

    GreaTest heARt
    oF hUman
    thaT GroWs
    morE iN
    thaN Books..
    SpiRiT moveS
    conNecTinG.. CreaTinG
    miNd And BoDy WhOle..
    Ocean GroWs soUL
    wE noW
    oF nAtuRE

    erbiage says.. in response to me
    on Dee’s Poetry site from dVerse..

    “Katie, i’m fascinated by your use of capitals.
    what are you trying to do with that? is it random?
    FARE of nature is interesting, so is the e-yes of eyes.”

    Shawna Baby.. My FriEnd.. to my credit says..

    “He’s a genius. He’s creating words inside of words,
    telling secrets and stories, and most people are
    probably missing it. You’ll never meet
    anyone as smart as this man.”

    And then/now.. i saY in
    extended Micro-Verse wayS..

    SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. erbiage.. i FeeL/
    SeNse poEtry more than ReAson iT
    but as Yin and Yang goes.. i do
    both.. Standard IQ.. is rather new
    and antiquated too.. as all standards
    are.. all of
    Nature aka
    God iF one
    can see a painting
    even larger than that
    in tapestry of finer strokes
    as brush of we.. all is synchronicity
    and all is ink blot wHere ultimately
    our multi-UNiverse as perceived
    becomes our own
    and liGht
    of all that is
    aka God As well..
    SMiLes.. the longer
    answer is on my blog
    to the tune of over 3.3 million
    words as complex or more complex
    than this in the longest long form poem
    now arriving at 703 Macro-Verses of Ocean
    Whole poem.. that can be titled many things
    from that to a 42 month witness for God of all..
    to ‘SonG oF mY SoUL’ iN the SpiRit of Whitman
    too.. in his prophecy that the standard of before
    will be the priests of the cosmos now..
    wHere the greatest
    Lover of the
    iS the
    PoEt who
    SinGS a SonG
    oF soUL Long and Free..
    i am the Ocean.. i am a Field..
    i am a wave.. a river.. a stream
    and a droplet of water as particle
    too.. i have no limits.. no expectations
    and my dance in real life for 6 thousand
    miles in praising all that is life of what i find
    now.. in just three years.. iSreal MaGiC2 mY friEnd..
    it stArted somewhere in the Renaissance age.. with
    folks Like Leonardo.. Michelangelo.. Beethoven.. Mozart…
    in darker lives of Van Gogh.. Poe.. Aleister Crowley in more
    modern days.. and perhaps even with what remains of a
    oral tradition of 40 years for a man who died on a
    cross no less no more.. than the price of
    free.. i am.. ’cause i can and will..
    i do.. aS fearless love powers
    all that i do do.. my
    Friend.. and
    there are others
    like me in a new
    age.. with no limits
    or expectations like my
    Friend Shawna here.. who
    in her 40’s may do much more than
    me stArting all of this at age 50.. and
    you too my friEnd.. as you can see me..
    more fully.. for most folks they miss the
    who of i online.. but haha.. in real life believe or
    not.. and sure i can prove it too.. as 1000 smiling
    ear to ear dancing girls with me in that same Ocean
    Whole Poem with close to 100K total photos and
    scores of thousands of music videos tale too..
    yes.. i am named Dance Legend at 233LBS of
    Arnold looking middle age dude
    who wears shades every where
    he dances.. in all the public
    stores where his
    wife ‘Isis’.. let’s just
    call her an Egyptian
    Goddess for now.. shops.. never
    aging either at 46 as the photos now
    show too.. and yes.. sHades required
    for a stint of Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia..
    for 66 months from wake to sleep also known
    as the worst pain known to mankind.. technically
    assessed as worse than the pain of crucifixion..
    3 hours would have been so much easier than
    66 months but that and 18 other life threatening
    disorders in synergy of total then effect/affectd of heLL
    oN earth.. including losing all my emotions.. even
    the memory of a smile.. or laugh..
    as there is no reference point
    for any of that when
    emotions go..
    where one second
    is a thousand years
    of hell where all is time
    and in comparison.. in heaven
    on earth there is no time at all..
    only heaven which makes writing
    a full 12 million words as documented
    online since ThanksGiving day of 2010..
    even in hell for 33 more months then until
    the end of July of 2013.. a cakewalk of sorts
    where i get to eat the cake and icing whole now..
    anyWay.. this is the short version to your answer..
    and sure i’ve already discussed the long one to date
    now.. thanks for asking.. i’m sort of that dude or dudette
    they speak of in the Gospel of John.. who will do works
    greater than Jesus.. but nah.. i am just a grain of sand from hell..
    or a
    seed perhaps
    with winds of a hurricane
    with a totally calm center
    relatively speaking
    gets tired..
    have a great now..
    i find now as the
    most delicious place
    of milk and honey per that
    poem titled Xanadu too.. my friend..
    and sure you could call this Hypergraphia
    too.. my psychiatrist wanted to give me Epilepsy
    drugs to shut the flow down.. but there is no dam
    for this River oF Ocean now.. nor shores to hold me back..
    and by the way.. Lewis Carroll is said to be Hypergraphic too.. and
    sure i can do greater non-sense than this.. as far as literal goes too..
    bottom line..
    the iNks bLot
    for purpose and
    meaning we all decide
    differently with will and
    sAMe too.. all pArt of Ocean
    as this micro-verse here
    as large.. it may seem
    here will go along
    with that
    verse above of another
    micro-verse noW iN a
    Macro-Verse larger titled
    ‘iSREAL Land Grapes of Joy’..
    that will comprise the 703rd Macro Verse
    of Ocean Whole Poem that is KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
    as pen name to date too.. and in that Pen name is
    a micro-micro-micro Verse that has many meanings
    as well.. and in each letter or number of the English
    Language and Roman Numerals as well.. the
    Essence of God and Universe whole may
    be found.. in micro-micro-micro-micro verse
    way as well.. AS above so below my
    friend.. the English
    on who arts it
    can in many ways
    reflect the whole enchilada
    of all that is.. however.. still
    only a form of the essence for all that is..
    greater than any human will pen by hand
    or digital keyboard as maestro of symphony
    of God same.. in abstract symbols.. my FriEnd..
    anyway.. Shawna baby.. my friEnd.. set
    the standard for this Micro-Verse
    my FriEnd.. and apologies
    to De here.. for filling
    up her blog..
    as always
    i copy
    and paste
    what i do as i go
    aLong and as alWays
    if anyone doesn’t feel
    comfortable with a Hurricane
    of Micro-Verse or Micro-Micro Verse
    blowing through like this.. it doesn’t hurt
    my feelings to be erased out in the field per se..
    as Ocean Whole Poem retains back ups of all that is here
    all over the Internet in many places too.. as i don’t plan now
    on having to do this whole thing over.. at least not in one lifetime.. friEnd..
    or 3 to 6
    or so..;)

    Yay for Yoga..
    and i
    with your poetry2..;)

  13. Can you spell ‘balderdash’ boys & girls?….

    “The laugh of a child will make the holiest day more sacred still.”
    — Robert G. Ingersoll (American lawyer and orator 1833-1899)

    “I exist as I am, that is enough.” — Walt Whitman

    “One can endure sorrow alone, but it takes two to be glad.”
    — Elbert Hubbard

    In view of these three pArts of Wisdom..
    it’s worth noting that some folks cannot
    Feel the Laugh of a Child
    nor the FeeLinG
    of Sacred..

    i exist as i AM
    iS rarely enough
    iF one can feel
    neither the Laugh
    of a Child or A
    FeeLinG oF Sacred…

    For one who can feel neither..
    two alone will likely never be glad allone..:)

  14. Facebook Friend Himali..
    originally from India..
    working in the
    United Arab
    shares a status
    that says friend never
    truly leave as they always
    live within.. one’s heARt..

    And i say.

    Hello Himali..:)

    Himali returns..

    Hello dear friend

    And then i say..

    Dozing off..
    To sleep.. Nice
    To see you..:)

    Himali shares another Facebook
    photo slide and details on 40 places
    and things to do in life.. well worth it and i say..

    They are currently doing a dVerse Poetry
    Prompt on travel.. and although i get out
    quite a bit in my metro area.. To Biloxi
    Casino’s and such as that.. this reminds
    me i don’t get out nearly enough to enjoy all of this..:)

    And then Himali shares a slide of Wisdom..
    suggesting to tolerate everyone’s opinions about
    how they wish to change your mode of operation..
    and then just say in so many words that’s brilliant
    and go on
    about doing
    whatever ya
    wanna do..
    creatively of course..

    And i say in response..

    Haha.. can’t count
    how many times i’ve done that..;)

    And finally for now.. Himali shares
    a Facebook Status on annoying things
    girls who do not wear make-up hear from others..

    And i say..

    Just another great reason..
    i’m glad i’m not girl having
    to reach all of cultural expectations
    and surely the same for worrying about
    any expectation for both males and females…
    Free means
    not worrying about
    cultural limits or expectations..
    at least for me.. beyond what is
    required of local.. state.. federal..
    and community rules for places where
    one might like to participate online and
    too of course..:)

    And now i say in somewhat summary..
    yeah.. blogs are nice.. as folks can say what
    they want ya to do.. but they cannot make you
    do anything.. as long as you please the overall
    rules of blogs.. which are very very liberal these
    days where as long as play by the laws of the land
    you can
    art almost
    anything as
    yes i’ve been
    duly noted to do..
    in excess of more than most..
    hehe.. or perHaps all too.. foR noW haha..
    anyway.. when i was linking to dVerse i had
    suggestions from folks to sway me their way
    of doing art.. frequently to down right rude..
    until the administrators started
    whittling away at my
    creative potential..
    no.. you can’t do art
    for bucks.. likes.. shares..
    followers.. or generally speaking
    brown nosing.. if you expect to fulfill
    the liGht poTenitAL of yoUr fuLL
    creative aRt.. and how
    many times in
    as this
    been proven out
    but folks continue to
    disregard what history
    teaches about the outcasts
    of human creativity.. who are not
    understood more fully until perHaps even
    Centuries later.. as they did not conform to
    the standard IQ and grade of the Art Day..
    the greaTest pARt iS suPport online
    these days can be found in
    so many ways
    that local
    towns could
    never likely do before..
    even if there was a law
    as such for them to respect
    the creatively different mavericks
    among the other less creative sheep..
    the key though still is developing the perseverance
    and laser focus.. to by pass all the distractions of modern
    life to truly create as free.. and without a continuing practice
    of MiNd and BoDy Balance in martial arts and ballet-like
    dance.. i could never have the focus to get all this
    fun art dOne.. At LeASt for mE.. every element
    of my practice of liFE works for the whOle
    of allthatis.. aka God.. and this is
    a ship that is an ocean
    who will
    not sink..
    as i got this
    shiT figuRed out
    witH all that is hELp from GoD..;)


    For the longest time..
    i feared having pets..
    and never had another dog
    after the first one died.. and with
    allergies inside to both cats and dogs..
    the need to breathe superseded the need
    to feel the
    Love of another
    mammal real..
    yes.. i got
    over that..
    and of
    Mama’s who
    love unconditionally
    give the same.. my Wife’s
    greatest pain in losing her
    mother is she never felt love
    from her mother.. i suppose that
    could be A dArkest place oF all..
    fortunately for her..
    her Grandmother gave
    that to her.. and her death
    was very hard on her..
    but perhaps not as
    hard as the
    never felt love
    from.. a Mother who
    seemed like she needed
    more from Wife.. than love
    to give to her.. and when
    my Father died.. a
    couple of years
    ago.. i was
    unsure if
    i could grieve
    at all.. as he never
    really could express
    emotions enough to ever
    even get too close to him as
    those two ships that
    pass in the night..
    writing helps to get
    it out.. and as long as i can get
    it out.. the grieving can be a muse
    to give more love as gift of writing from
    what is received in life as love.. and of course
    that applies to all of what can be A SpiRit
    ExpReSsing as hUman heARt from a
    Dance of a SMiLe.. to a Symphony
    of miNd and BoDy soUl
    BaLanCinG iN all
    the ways that comes..
    bottom line for me.. is my
    Mother’s Love spArked the Love
    oF i.. however.. we are human and when
    we find ourselves outcast for whatever reason
    from the social group.. we suffer in misery as
    social animals by default are evolved
    to do liFe toGeThEr in the touch
    of LoVinG eYes.. hands and
    sure hips and otHeR
    pArts as weLL
    of Ocean Whole Love..
    with Fearless too.. noW
    that liGht pARt of my MoTheR
    LiVes within.. both nature and
    nurture.. flowerS iN Garden oF liFe..
    It seems my sister inherited more of
    my Father’s brain as ‘they say’ that is Evolution’s
    way for survival too.. as daughters who survive
    infanticide over ages tend to look more like the father
    in many ways.. including behavior.. and sons the same by
    OF Love
    spreads as WeLL..
    Love grows.. bottom line..
    and i’m sure my sister feels
    the same way about my mother..
    but i desire to spread the love of my
    mother decades after she is gone.. the
    gift that keeps giving.. in a room for oTHeRS..:)

    AnyWay.. iT aLway’s
    hard it seems to be
    And art
    is aT leASt
    a spArk for allone..
    my friEnd now.. the

  16. WeLL.. 3:21 pm..
    9142016.. sTiLL
    and back to dVerse
    for one Travel Prompt
    link left iN
    a sparse
    of 12 liNkers so
    far and back then
    to the Quadrille week
    Long prompt on the term
    ‘Open’ that seems to
    continue to
    draW iN
    a crowd for now..
    hmm.. makes me wonder..
    as most poets seem introverted
    if they are mostly homebodies who
    rarely get out to Travel.. like me for
    decades too and still limited to the
    Southeast Gulf Coast Region.. as WeLL..:)

    “Voyageur”.. a title for
    your poem.. Sanaa..
    and a lonely place
    of traveler.. i sure..
    can relate..
    never having
    girl friends in high school
    rarely for even one date..
    i traveled to the movies..
    the shows of Romance
    and couples holding
    hands.. the fair
    of loving
    loud embraces
    as Spring of Love
    iN Winter’s Hot
    Chocolate in
    games of
    homecoming too..
    my High School football
    Team won the state championship
    in ’78.. and finally my ‘Voyageur” status
    of Love found a first love that year.. 10
    months later back to ‘Voyageur’ travel
    again for Love.. quick stops here and
    there for warmth.. but
    never travel full for
    love until
    age 28 in ’89
    and a river of life
    of love from a wife who
    never ages.. sure.. i can appreciate
    that enough to love her.. where she
    never will.. age.. smiles at least not yet at 46.. travels young..
    as the photo evidence of the blesSing of that magic continues..
    i always wished for
    what ‘they’ named
    as sweet sixteen
    in highschool..
    and as my cousin’s wife
    said at a recent family reunion..
    Katrina is “The Eternal Teenager”..
    Be Happy for what yA wish for when dreAms iSREAL..
    and by all means.. count those blesSinGS as they may never
    happen again.. who kNows.. even in hiStory of 3.3 million words
    and 100K photos.. my wife is quite a muse as travel of ‘Voyageur”
    goeS on..
    iN TrUman
    sHow stYle..;)

    Hmm.. that was/IS A Cool
    Prompt.. i think the deadline
    is midnight or so.. hope for more
    voyeur travel opportunities to expand on later..
    but yes.. as mentioned before.. now back to ‘Open’ Quadrilles now..;)

    The giver..
    the nurturer..
    the people pleaser
    too.. the Nurse who now
    cannot separate emotions
    from healing others whole..
    but a caution
    to the all
    for rest
    as the injured
    loves are more than
    few.. and bodies too..
    White Knights
    of Arcs
    and even
    Mother Teresa’s
    have felled to long dARk
    niGhts of the soUl as those
    who love others more than
    self of preservation now…
    sad.. how much
    love iS
    iN the
    history of those
    eYes that cavern now..
    And i think the clinical
    term for that is Draining..
    or the Hero Archetype who falls to dARk..
    and in my opinion.. likely associated with
    Fibromyalgia too.. as Angels are Human2..:)

    Way back when i lost my
    soul.. there were those
    who said my words
    were eloquent
    and full
    of feelings..
    how opaque
    that window was
    into the eYes of soULs
    who could still see and
    feel the SpiRit in only
    empty sheLLs of
    words oF i..
    left of
    GRowN CoLd
    from dead sea
    Black Hole Soul..
    sure.. a logical memory
    of vehicles and vessels
    that housed the essence
    of my humanity and.. lesSon
    for the rest of my eternity now..
    Essence is what counts over Form..:)

    sMiLes.. my FriEnd
    i find ‘wildlife’
    to be iN
    A Longest Long Form Poem..
    perHaps.. one IS A Robin too..
    Unfortunately.. most Birds
    cannot open the poem
    up but that
    will change..
    then.. even if..
    Robins.. never know..;)

    Love folks..
    who ride by seats
    of Motorcycles so
    free now.. air in hair
    live now..
    go for broke
    stay fixed for Free..
    oH.. Jack London.. your
    changed dog to Wolf
    lives as me.. but nah..
    i’LL dance free and save-on helmets..:)

    Bingo.. 44..
    it’s like MonKey’s
    typing.. sooner or later..
    even free ones
    iN Zoos..
    hehe.. and twice..
    i kinda cheat-ed to geT-iN..
    That reminds me.. yes! Toy
    Soldier..! i needed that Song..
    Sorry.. no conText
    a cAll….
    from ET
    phones home..44..2..;)

    MecHanical Cognition
    HeARt Cognition..
    Free WiLL
    to feed two miNds
    in BaLanCinG for oNe Free SoUL..
    and Body of course
    as EmoTioNs
    from head
    to toe.. by way
    of Vagal nerve
    as some folks say..
    Kundalini Serpent FReED2..
    Emotional Regulation and
    Integration of senses.. MoVinG..
    ConNecTinG and creaTinG.. it’s
    not enough tRuLy to open
    A miNd and heARt
    in BaLanCe with
    as life is
    more than
    even poeTry of heARt..
    HeARt moves from head to toe..
    Abest way to close heARt is
    to STiLL
    A MoVinG
    DancE oF liFe..
    Children often FeeL better
    as they DancE without reaSon..:)

    of human nature
    as science shows
    half are leaning now
    conservative and closed
    minded mostly.. and now the other
    half goes liberal and more progressively
    open minded.. split
    jury of everything..
    most often..
    as being human…
    Order in the court
    vs free
    aLL.. both
    sides have thEir
    merits.. even stuck
    in gears of going no wHere much..
    sTanding more
    STiLL in
    aLL of both sides..:)

    SMiLes.. it seems
    tHat NatUre only
    asks.. liKe
    we spiral
    Free iN BaLAnCinG..
    And then hUman
    and moves
    one way oF liFE..
    Lesson of Nature
    Spiral FloW as noW FReED..:)

    sMiLes my friEnd Sumana..
    i thiNk all the problems
    in the world can be
    traced to one
    three letter
    word of ‘own’..
    and then when folks
    attempt to name Nature
    God and ‘Own God’.. comes
    stuff like destroying ‘Islands’
    and so many otHeR species
    along the way…
    To Give Love
    Freely in sharing
    is trUly A greATest
    evolved gift yeT.. And
    this EARTh as home to do
    thaT is Equal giFt oF Nature onE..
    All of this is in plain site of FeeLinG..
    but only for those who SenSe and FeeL iT..
    Nature Deficit Disorder stArts wiTh a three letter
    word of own.. and ends in a six letter phrase of GoD owN..:)

    SMiLeS noW..
    i used to watch
    politics until
    i determined
    that both sides
    alWays win..
    then i lEarned
    to Love it all open.. sacred
    and holy and i won heaven now..
    all IS A FeeLinGs and SeNses..
    rest is an inkblot test.. i choose
    to love iT all.. sImply
    ’cause i can..
    the gift
    of fearless
    love with eXpanding
    liGht and LoVe of DaRk
    and struggles sAMe.. as
    sure it is no surprise
    that ark
    iS iN dARk..
    but nah.. not
    much for smAll
    talk but i Love it..
    and all those kitty
    kats on Facebook too.. as the
    Internet is developed souly for ThAT..
    thiS eNtire rUse is to showcase mY KAt..;)

    5:11 pm..
    eat now..
    continue later
    after all of that..;)

    Back at 10:27 pm.. 9142016..
    for more ‘Open’
    themed liNks
    from dVerse..
    juSt liKe
    all the way..;)

    oF.. oPen..
    alWays noW..
    Now ways all
    Penning thAT
    aS Present day
    ways.. Open doors
    go both ways..
    and liGht
    vieWinG iT
    from Distance
    All is Masterpiece
    taPestry wHole Paint..:)

    Morning star memories
    anew each day
    oF liGht
    distance of
    moonLit reminders..
    sleep peacefully
    until day
    Sunlit liFe..:)

    Wow.. first.. amazing.. a poet shared Ammonia Avenue from
    Alan Parson’s yesterday.. and now Kim is sharing
    The Trees by the great deep deep band
    Rush where every song is
    a masterpiece of
    poetry too..
    same as
    Alan Parson’s
    too.. Led Zeppelin..
    etc.. wHere the words
    of the new age prophets
    are written on concert hall
    walls.. more and less.. as back
    in the red state town i live in..
    deeper ways of poetry
    could only be
    found then..
    in Rock and
    Roll.. so watered
    down it is now.. compared
    to what Geddy Lee and Rush
    could do to bRing so much meaning
    to Lyrics of a Song in the 70s back then..
    most sadly nature deficit disorder rules the
    world a cultural cancer upon the earth that
    is erasing breathing from the Tree oF LiFE supplied
    as oxygen
    to the
    of what
    Mammal liFe
    does best.. Breathe..
    A Tree oF liFe iN liGht..:)

    Faded Sunflowers lining
    Open heArt
    to BrinG
    liGht back..
    sure.. been to this
    place too.. for a year
    or so when young.. but
    66 months later in the
    middle of what life
    in hell can be
    as not
    so well..
    but surely
    there is strength
    in the smile so tired
    of whining that’s all
    that’s left to do..
    to shield others
    from the
    one lives in
    side.. i was
    determined never
    to say another negative
    word.. never complain and
    eventually imagine and create
    a way for liGht to travel back real..
    so let it be written so let it now be
    done.. when the starlit connection
    of words and emotion finAlly SinG
    in Unison
    a SonG
    oF liGht..
    tHere is no
    mistaking the
    oTheR place for
    those who pen it
    experiencing dARk isREAL..:)

    i suppose the words came
    first.. connecting emotions
    to words.. and then a walk
    every night at 3 AM..
    the dark
    woods no
    longer to bring
    a chill along my spine..
    and then a dance.. with
    never lessons.. and now
    a spiraling balance
    of all limbs
    from head
    to toe..
    with emotional
    regulation and sensory
    integration never had before..
    the body keeps score.. and
    the score can be changed my
    FriEnd.. never give up as the
    next dance may be as youR liGht..:)

    an open..
    i sheD thE bubbLes..;)

    Well.. i must
    say one day.. my wife
    and i may open a liNk or
    too in an assisted living
    home.. more than likely
    she’ll be assisting
    me like she
    is now..
    and i’LL
    sTiLL be
    then.. rarely
    catching uP on
    what i wrote.. as
    wRiTing Goes oN peN iS
    alWays.. reADy to pLay..
    even iF.. the dance fades Away..:)

    i find that
    with an open heArt..:)

    i’m entertaining
    changing the title
    of my current Macro-Verse
    per.. iSREAL Land Grapes of Joy..
    but grapes keep coming up every
    where i go.. the other one is
    sigNature sUn arE onE..
    and i muSt
    say folks
    are ratHeR
    odd about
    sharing and giving
    tHeir grapes.. sweet
    iS in that taste.. unbridLed
    by ownership as fruit of VinE..:)

    And afteR All
    ‘thaT joY’..
    i’M sUre
    i’D oPen
    uP iN joYous
    unBridLed dAnce..:)

    trUe hUman
    Force of
    Love.. rarely
    seeks the Power
    and Status required for Lead..
    but of course they
    the earth..
    in who
    and what they are..:)

    Open Books of heARt
    alWays free
    to touch
    for read..
    are my favorite
    ones to bridge
    heArt and miNd
    as no hOlds are barRed for Free..:)

    Apocalypse oF Doors
    as original Greek Definition
    says.. lifting veils of ignorance..
    inside more
    one or the
    LiGht SinGS
    TruTh wiTh veils
    flaiLed AWay…:)

    SMiLes.. an opportunity
    to keep brain waves
    away from beta
    worry to
    of alpha
    and theta
    trance seems
    to alWays keep my
    fLow a Going.. but of
    course even the possibility
    for stress free makes that possible..
    the reaSon
    floWs as
    A heARt iN liGht
    wiLL.. tAkinG FliGht..:)

    Ending the open prompt..
    now one more Travel liNk
    left and i’M donE
    with dVerse
    for noW..:)

    Travel of food
    aCross the globe..
    spices.. and sweet
    stuff along the way..
    change iS alWays
    as time
    zones differ..
    oh.. but the taste
    buds.. do liGht uP
    when a variety oF liGht
    A CuLiNary deLiGht..:)

    11:50 pm.. 9142016..:)

  17. Words
    Scattered Love

    Sure.. why not share every Facebook
    Provided Macro-Verse Memory of
    before.. aS oNe comeS noW
    from one year ago..
    as a title
    IS A Poem..
    and PoEtry iS all
    that flows from heARt
    in words of HUman from
    the source of God oF Nature’s
    GreaTest Gift to hUman and all
    other animals that is sentience..
    yes.. FeeLinG.. SeNSinG SeN
    SualiTy too.. and in some..
    ImAginAtioN.. iN MoVinG
    ConNecTinG.. and
    CreATinG more
    to add a verse
    in continuing
    of All ThAT iS
    AKA GoD oF NAtuRE noW..
    in the interconnecting.. interdependent
    relationship oF aLL.. every pARt of God
    from the Dandelion that grows wild to
    to the number 6 Developed along
    with all other globally
    now established
    by the early
    East Indians on the
    South Asian Continent
    later to be developed by
    Arabians as the spirals of
    the numeral 6 reflect the
    Italian Scholar Fibonacci’s
    Golden Phi Spiral mean of 1.618
    as this scholar encountered these numbers
    from Hindu-Arabian numerical system and spread
    them in Europe where they would eventually become
    the world standard of numbers in math.. as this Phi Spiral
    reflects the patterns of how God of Nature moves in sentience
    and every moving electron around nucleus to subatomic Quantum
    particles to the curled fetus and cat.. Hurricanes.. Sun Flowers.. Nautilus
    Shells.. Galaxies around Black Hole Suns and all around.. above.. so below..
    inside.. outside all of what we are and see in and as our existence now..
    even when the words flow with pen and voice as science can
    measure now.. outside of pre-planned lines
    that control the free of heARt
    poETry.. PoEtry is the
    free expression of liFE..
    and all of existence noW..
    it exists at the smallest of
    particles to the all in all.. Poetry iS
    God FReED.. sadly.. humans in their
    sealed packages have attempted to
    chain this freedom out of change of
    flow than never ends.. however
    God looks right through
    them and
    to change..
    God is Free.. and so am
    i and WE.. God plays no
    games of hUman rules..
    and all they are is
    brown paper
    we look wRitE
    through and escape too..
    as Words Seed Scattered Love..:)

    Words Seed Scattered Love

    Sure.. now.. why not continue to give.. share.. move on..
    A place wHere everyOne kNows yOur Face
    Macro Verse Memory here.. from
    two years ago.. some folks
    more extraverted who
    gain energy from
    the social connection
    for sure what science shows
    is among the 80% of the animal
    Kingdom who are born rovers vs born
    sitters.. for some the environment consumes..
    scares.. and inhibits movement.. for others.. environmental
    change drives movement seeking stimulation to create and
    produce more that has never been seen before.. and sure the
    one’s who sit out of greater fear become rule makers to angle
    skyscrapers to make more sense where trees and
    shrubs and even rain on sand becoming silt
    is ever changing too.. a balance of
    nature it is.. as those who
    sit are less likely
    to die in accidents
    early than those who rove..
    and take chances to make
    progress grow.. in God emerging
    more in all of wE as Team liGht over
    team dARk in Fear of course.. anyWay..
    the powerful play does go on.. as some
    dead poets also say.. and some of wE add
    verses and some of We stay stagnate and fear..
    holding on to our feathered nests and the
    safety for the children we spawn too..
    and all of that is okay as it makes
    the world go ’round and
    ’round in free and
    guarded ways
    in all species
    as it were and still
    is now.. and i’ve been blessed
    to be in center of this.. the extreme
    of the one who sits closed in as
    bedroom sitter for 66 months
    to now the Dancing Guy
    all around metro way..
    known mostly by
    face of shades
    and dance of Feet
    with arms and torso
    and hips that swirl as
    Golden Spiral Mean
    of Phi too.. and i must
    say the Rover in mE or the
    Good Cop Mr. Hyde has so much
    more fun that the goody two shoes stiLL
    of the Dr. Jekyll and Sheldon Cooper of Before..
    sure.. Clark Kent too.. and Bruce Wayne in the
    nerdier version of Adam West too.. all human
    archetypes from domesticated to wild..
    to the Jesus who turns over money
    tables to the Good Cop Jesus who
    turns the other cheek.. and Loves aLL..
    and sure.. add in the unconditional
    Love to WilD and one moves
    beyond the archetype
    of even Superman
    and more..
    as God continues
    to emerge anew in we who move..
    connect and never stop creating reneWed..:)

    A place wHere everyOne kNows yOur Face

    And sure.. the dArkest sides
    of all the Isis headhunters..
    so far away from the
    Goddess ISIS protecting
    all of Nature.. the ones who
    who use a Penis for a spear
    of raping little 12 years old girls..
    the ones who crucify those who
    believe different and if you think that
    is attached to any specific religion.. nah..
    it is psychopathic compassionless driven
    with no affective empathy that feels only the
    pain of others as pleasure.. the illness of the
    heARt that is never born or dies as black whole soul..
    Gun Black Boots that kill all of Love in tHeir way
    of domination.. subjugation.. and rule by illusory
    fears and promising the rape of little girls..
    devils born.. devils bred.. devils
    nourished by fear and hate..
    Love will never either
    tolerate or
    accept this..
    Love will if necessary
    strike this down as the
    Angel who steps on the
    devil who iSREAL and
    crushes the
    breath of
    the fear and
    hate but nah..
    words will do as
    there are some words
    much more powerful than
    swords.. the words that come
    from the Good Cop God in
    all of We who Fearless Love..:)

    Gun Black Boots

    The Facebook Algorithm Video Slide
    Production Assistant continues to serve
    faithfully.. although the embedding feature
    for profile photos both current and historical
    in terms of sharing on blogs continues to go
    a route of SNAFU for now.. and that’s okay..
    as the my own trusty photo stream and
    stored photos in Macro-Verse
    way are plan B..
    and i’ve got
    plan C
    and D
    F for
    alpha numerical
    6 degrees of separation
    that make Unity for
    back uP as it were
    and is still for now..
    hehe.. so my
    fingers can
    keep on
    in a
    with no
    worries of
    SNAFUS here
    and tHeRe as Murphy’s
    Law is due challenge
    than can be defeated
    with a little human common sense..
    for the longest run.. even after death..
    as far as the KA of my SoUL liVinG oN..
    with or without out me.. life goeS on..
    but sure.. why not continue to love
    after death but you will only
    understand that for
    free and
    not for
    big bucks
    if Angel eYes
    of Empath hUman
    liVes as you kNow..
    iN F E E L i n G noW..
    where the needs of the
    many outweigh the mortalLiTy of the one..
    anyWay.. every letter.. hindu number..
    word.. poem.. and photo
    and all of extension
    of God in culture
    the interconnecting
    interdependent relationship
    of all that is.. GoD now.. i
    juSt happen to gRoW aS i
    continue to exPaNd the girTh
    of sentient lens view.. and give
    and share that as i continue to live onE..:)

    And finAlly.. a share of
    17 year old Fred in his
    Graduation Annual photo
    Suit for Senior year.. along
    with a picture same of sister
    a year ago.. for her special year
    book day as Senior too.. and then
    a smiling little boy.. who doesn’t try
    to limit his smile.. and the smile that
    lives again.. in the heARt of a boy who is Free again..
    nah.. tHeRe ain’t much smile left by the time i reach
    17 after 12 years of school.. but that is what
    life spent in mechanical cognition
    can and will do.. for those
    smartY pants among
    us who get
    our gold
    stars of life
    from making
    the grade the
    teacher loves the
    most validating tHeiR
    accomplishment of meeting
    the grade culture expects too..
    and art goes missing from smart
    and if you are lucky that doesn’t
    end in S and M modern Isis ways..
    anyWay when Science and Art
    comes toGeTHer aS BaLaNCinG
    in HuMan BeinGS it’s like splitting
    an atom.. as Force more comes
    in S times A of Fearless Love
    to bE.. as a sMiLE
    goes wide beYond..
    aS iNfinITy noW..:)

  18. First.. we had Christian Grey.. you know that
    Billionaire or so.. from Shades of Grey..
    with a drug addict mom.. who could
    not provide him with
    the empathic
    and compassionate
    connections in the brain
    and rest of body that come
    with touchy feely love from ages
    0 to 3 and later as well.. if the pipe
    of love gets all damned up by social
    abuse in whatever form that comes as
    outcast too.. so.. sure.. his brain gets twisted
    in another way out of body balance and
    Sado-Domination becomes his
    way of gaining pleasure
    over the pain of others..
    sure.. no different really..
    just legal in comparison
    to the Isis bred soldiers
    who rape little girls and can
    feel pleasure from their pain as
    they are missing what makes us human
    fully as well.. and now.. not really surprising we
    have Christian Wolff.. cute little word play.. as sure
    the Jesus dude kinda made up his moral code as
    he went that defied the rule
    as law of the land
    before.. at least
    what we know
    of the Good Cop
    Jesus and Bad Cop
    Jesus.. ranging from hate your
    mama.. daddy.. brothers and sisters..
    and children too.. if they do not follow
    your new moral code.. or perhaps turn the
    other cheek for another blow across the face
    if that is the relative moral authority that the code
    of the day makes for now.. it’s pretty easy to tale that
    more than one person and probably a gridlock church council
    meeting.. no different than the congress of today came up
    with a health plan like that just enough to get it through
    for final approval.. otherwise.. it would not be anywhere
    near that contradictory if one person and one
    person only wrote the story.. and sure..
    there is.. i bring a sword and not
    peace.. and Love your
    neighbor as yourself
    in consuming no others
    with harm.. and live by the
    sword and die by the sword..
    not much integrity in that New Testament
    in that Jesus dude if you really take the time
    and effort to peruse it from back to front to
    back again.. in a day.. not a year span.. of
    forgetting what was said before.. amazed
    i am that decades old pastors.. cannot
    remember the cognitive dissonance
    verses out of their killing and
    loving book that tells a
    tale of darkest dark
    and lightest possible
    light in old day terms so well..
    but perhaps they are not accountants
    like me that measure all of what comes
    in empirical way.. and perhaps they are not
    fluid intelligence makers of art new.. taking all
    of rote memory and mixing it up and making something
    brand new beyond.. of what they quote in crystalized
    intelligence of the verses they care to remember from
    their good book too.. sure.. it’s obvious that
    Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne and
    even Dr. Jekyll were all on
    the autism spectrum
    toward the
    Asperger’s range
    and surprisingly to some
    but not to me at all now for sure..
    came an epigenetic.. and neuroplastic
    change.. no different really than the call
    of the wild from that Good Book.. The Call of
    the Wild.. yes that really good book that describes
    so well the Nature Deficit Disorder than lives within
    human being.. where the call may never be heard
    and answered across a Clark Kent life sPan now..
    and no doubt the literary agents who wrote
    the books had a touch of the Asperger’s
    too like Stephen Spielberg and the
    eclectic Nature of
    his movies
    too.. then/now..
    but here’s the thing..
    if you are an Asperger’s
    touched person and you find
    a niche like the Accountant finally
    did in the movie above.. you ain’t
    functionally disabled in society as long
    as you can make some dollar bills to live on the
    niche you do.. and true.. it could take an entire
    lifetime for a Mozart Opera to sell.. or a comic book
    strip.. or whatever other niche one finds that might
    not be in vogue yet
    at the point in
    culture where
    fluid intelligence
    explodes to do something
    new.. but seriously.. those who
    just copy what was done before..
    basically go out of memory.. unless
    they are someone like Muhammad
    or the Isis folks who basically
    paraphrase what was done
    before.. and enforce it
    by the power of the
    sword.. and
    promises of
    raping whatever
    is conquered next
    by similarly inclined
    warring psychopathic
    leaning folks who come too..
    yeah.. i can relate to this Accountant
    movie in many ways.. but the guns shit
    just don’t reflect the Empath Angel version
    of the sorta Eros dude i am now.. hehe.. just waiting
    for Sheldon Cooper to break out into joyous dance
    and start writing poems around the world to give
    up the crystalized limits of physics still today..
    and this would have been a much
    more fun movie in my eyes of
    Fearless Love instead of the
    of Navarone
    or whatever bigger
    guns come next instead
    of my way of Sunsets of
    Beautiful Navarre Beach sTiLL
    now… yeah.. i’ll go the naked
    version of King David way of
    dance instead.. and the Good Cop
    Christian Jesus dude way of Golden
    rule ways too.. sure.. i could be the Bad
    guy if that made sense in Vengeance way..
    but i don’t have to.. as my niche is Fearless Love..
    i N Coming IN Glory Victory now..
    and poetry and dance and all that
    artsy fartsy stuff that Red
    State folks love to
    make fun of too..
    and that’s okay.. there
    is room in the world for Bad
    Cop Jesus’ and Good Cop Jesus’
    too.. it’s the way of dARk and liGht..
    that will likely always exist as long
    as the propensity for the dArk knight
    of the heARt continues to exist.. i’LL
    go the White kNight route 66.. after all there are sTill
    some women in the world looking for a hero.. like thaT..
    oh yeah.. and this ends today’s eXploration iN poEtry
    of HeARt.. and SpiRit eXpresSing thaT emoTioNal..
    miNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUl for now.. sure..
    i’LL go with ‘sigNature sUn arE onE’ as titLed
    Macro Verse 703.. and
    iSREAL Land Grapes of Joy
    is already in the mix foR noW
    too.. anyWay.. mY Niche could
    have been Mozart or Beethoven
    too.. but Carpal Tunnel syndrome
    etched a stop to that potential of piano
    there.. back in ’07.. i wanna do iT all2..sure..
    actor.. producer.. Director of my own GD play..
    my niche is no limits.. no expectations and it’s
    amazing what a person can do with two hands..
    a body.. and a tool like an iPhone6s.. and iMac
    Work Horse desk top computer too.. tHere is no
    limits with fluid intelligence from head to toe..
    and with trans-humanism benefit of
    technology as slave of
    art assistant..
    with no
    as helper
    now.. there are
    no limits.. and even if
    Shawna.. my Friend gets
    to the point of her Asperger’s
    Flavor of not understanding what i do..
    i understand.. i juST do it.. and i will never
    enforce anyone else to my moral code by
    the sword or the gun same more
    than Love oF art..
    it’s R and R
    Sacred and Holy
    Thursday for me..
    i am at least cautious
    enough not to go back to
    the worst disorder oF all.. i had
    before.. Nature Deficit Disorder.. the
    one where the cAll of the wild goes
    faint to lost.. sure.. Christian
    Wolf Real iSREAL Wild
    Good cop wolf
    my pen
    name too..
    but sure noW..
    KATiE MiA FredericK!iI..
    speaks literAlly milLions of
    words to.. all twelve of the apostles
    of multi-verse numbers i for one create now
    WiTh God Allone now.. as i ain’t gonna wait
    for anyone else to pick up a ball that i for
    one can lift over my head and
    carry for steps and
    words more
    of PoEtry
    DanCe StILL
    to nowoneforevermore
    come foR NoW.. so.. back
    at 3 am with some fun dancing
    photos from my 127th week of
    dancing with all the cool college
    age folks at Good Old Seville Quarter too.. Thursday night..
    and perhaps this will get published later on today.. Thursday
    9152016.. with ‘those photos’ on my own version of nine sixteen sixteen..:)

  19. SMiLes.. my FriEnd.. Zee..
    tHeRe IS A most beautiful
    Flower in our yard named
    as Passion Flower..
    it’s almost
    like a new
    planet of color
    in flower form
    that could be
    the home of
    God and sure
    in some ways it is
    as pArt and parcel oF wHole
    as we all are.. i particularly
    appreciate the flower this year..
    as few have bloomed in a
    Summer of much rain
    and fertile conditions
    where the year
    before was
    more drought like
    a desert.. and the
    Blooms came even more
    beautiful than ever before
    in God’s co-Creation after
    the struggle of desert before..
    however.. the Winter came late..
    and the flowers continued to bloom
    through January.. and after all that
    ease the blooms are not nearly
    as much as that year of
    struggle.. a flower
    is God and a flower
    is human.. the struggle
    of dARk is what makes
    liGht my friENd.. and
    the powerful play of God
    iSREAL goeS on for anoTher
    now.. in all the sHades and hues
    of color and grey to Kingdom come
    that iS alWays now my FriEnd.. anyWay..
    the great thing about writing poEtry.. iT allows
    what Nature shows too as a dArk muse to bRing
    a greATest liGht of Bloom in Flowers aS weLL..
    and to continue the waves of muse from
    low tide to high tide and the ‘tween
    of all that is that balances..
    we human
    the sAMe..
    you bRing back
    memories of those
    days of grief so long ago..
    of my first love.. and that my
    friEnd is enough to spaRk a greater
    Bloom in Flower of i as WeLL.. bottom
    line my FriEnd is we are all in this God’s
    greaTEst play of liVinG liFE toGeTher…
    To give and share is the greATest
    Gift God gives uS in
    both liGht
    and dArk of
    Struggle and
    Joy.. to hold hands
    up higher rather than
    lower now.. mY FriEnd.. So
    sure.. for today i’ll leave you with
    a Desert Rose from Sting as you
    kNow and FeeL MuSiC and SonG
    and even photos of Nature’s SonG
    Can BrinG a GreAtest HeaLinG Force too..:)

  20. Nah.. i guess i wasn’t quite finished with
    this 703rd Macro-Verse after
    all i just said and did..
    and the Facebook
    Secretary just
    me up a
    small helping
    of the Nature photos
    i took this morning where
    it was so easy to see God in
    a Dandelion.. that most folks
    pull up to discard or use pesticide
    to slowly choke and kill.. to wilt
    of golden Flower as God’s
    Will to live in all stuff
    alive.. oh.. for
    the order
    and purpose
    of human that
    is scared of stuff
    stiff.. out of line.. as i too..
    once had to have my garden
    bricks in line or oh no.. OCD could
    rule the scared and anxiety of me
    temporarily in an illusion of control
    over simple acceptance of what
    iS in the beauty of the larger
    picture that is
    in sentience of life..
    Free to live as Ocean Whole..
    like my longest long form poem..
    that so many folks have attempted
    to talk me into pulling up to make more
    presentable.. like a nicely trimmed sidewalk
    to mansion of bricks.. nah.. my mansion will
    be one oF art.. and Dandelions who refuse
    to grow the way of human sheep shears..
    just a reminder of the DandeLioN
    of God who gRoWs on in GoD
    arms of Free art as a
    verse of UniVerse
    that will not
    be trimmed
    and fearful
    hands of control
    of God’s art Free iN all oF uS noW..
    yes.. i am a special snow fLake if
    you see the more fuller Lake
    of the F oF Y i.. FReED..
    and sure you are
    invited to
    Paradise too..
    for i am only
    Luke Hot sTiLL for the Summer
    in SpRinG oF eYes that liVE oN noW..
    but in my case always going uP noW2..:)

  21. Pingback: sigNature sUn arE onE | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  22. Pingback: 6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW! | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

  23. Pingback: Grand Cross Bible 2016 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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